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1799 $10 Large Stars Die Clash

StrikeOutXXXStrikeOutXXX Posts: 3,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 12, 2022 2:32PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Was kind of bored watching Olympic Curling, so was looking at some eye candy online and saw this 1799 $10

Saw something strange on the Obv picture, so zoomed in and saw an apparent die clash

Checked the reverse image, apparent there as well in a few spots

So, not knowing much about 1799 Gold $10, checked Coinfacts where it shows:

There is only one Large Star obverse die for 1799. It is paired with two reverses; Bass-Dannreuther, BD-9 and 10.

I have no clue which reverse this coin has (Gold folks want to answer?), but figured if it's the ONLY obverse die and has a clash, there are either a lot of them out there if it clashed early, or it clashed late, and they quit using it so it's pretty rare.

I looked at the one active and 286 completed auctions on Heritage (When did they start that puzzle slider robot check - grrrr) and the few pics on coinfacts, and saw no other 1799s with a die clash.

So... because I was bored - and I like odd things - you got a post on a neat die clash.

Anybody else have one?

EDIT - Or... option B - Flip over double struck?

EDIT2 - larger pics


"You Suck Award" - February, 2015

Discoverer of 1919 Mercury Dime DDO - FS-101


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