Ever Knowingly Buy A Rare Coin With A Fingerprint?

First off, I never, ever knowingly buy coins with fingerprints. I pass on so many coins because of fingerprints.
So , I found this coin with a light (not too bad) fingerprint on an extremely rare coin with a struck in and retained staple. I almost passed on this coin because of the fingerprint , but the cool rare error was so overwhelming on this piece, I decide to buy this coin breaking one of my rules.
I am happy with the purchase and happy with the coin as it is awesome.
Show us your rare or unique coins with a fingerprint that you could not pass on.
I don’t think I’ve ever bought an actually rare coin, but I have both passed on and purchased coins with fingerprints. I think you made the right choice. There’s probably not another one that you’ll find without the print, so it’s not much of a factor to me.
I kinda like how the arches of the fingerprint are centered on Lincoln’s nose, making it look like like waves emanating from his face
Not rare, but heavy with finger prints
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
That coin is actual really pretty.
I guess I should add show us your unique and beautiful coins that have a fingerprint.
Normally, I would pass on a coin with a fingerprint. @ErrorsOnCoins, in the case of that particular coin though, it makes sense to buy it. Sometimes, rarity will trump condition. Both factors must be considered. Cheers, RickO
I used to own an 1894 purple color proof cent with fingerprints but I usually restrain myself from buying coin with fingerprints.
TDN and his 1799 $1
This Oregon half isn't rare but the color is vivid emerald green under a light, and I could not resist despite the finger print:

Commems and Early Type
My one MPL I have has a pretty good print going.
Very nice looking coin Chris!
It's a wonderful piece and the fingerprint isn't that distracting to me.
If you are going to break your rule, that's one to do it for!
I need to say that you can't post the following anymore