1977 Washington Dime DDO

So this 
So this looks nothing like any maslchine doubling I've ever seen but yet this variation has no known specimens on variety vista. LIBERTY has clear doubling as does some of the motto. What do y'all think?
Clear machine doubling - not a DDO.
When did the US mint begin minting Washington dimes. I'm always the last to know.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
That's a heck of an error for a "Washington dime" to have a portrait of Roosevelt on it!
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Well, you got the doke part right. Unfortunately, Meat Loaf taught us that it’s two out of three that ain’t bad.
You post the same question often why dont your reread your posts if your are seruiouus in understanding or not?
Step 1 of being a coin collector, know who is on the coins you collect.
Lol. Feelin really dumb
Washington Dime?
BHNC #203
Definitely machine doubling....and you should change the title of the thread.
Cheers, RickO
Radial flow lines are visible on the close ups indicating a worn die. Your Washington dime (couldn't resist) is showing die deterioration doubling
must be some sorta new R-8 no ones seen before
Washington dime?
That's a Roosevelt dime. Don't you recognize Teddy?