Looking for any insight into this 1944 Mercury dime with a blank reverse. Error?

The dime is very thin, blank reverse, it appears that there is some lettering between 1944 and the Y in Liberty, though hard to capture with a picture. Error or damage? Thanks.
Post-mint damage.
To the original poster: See if you can explain why this must be post-mint damage. Alternatively, see if you can describe a series of actions within the Mint that would produce an error that looked like this.
Worn flat. Possibly ground flat.
Looks like it may have been used in jewelry. Is that solder in the center of the reverse?
The lettering you speak of is the monogram of the designer Adolph A. Weinman.
@AGCHASE ... Welcome aboard. That is post mint damage (PMD) and carries no premium. Cheers, RickO