1990 no mint pennies

I'm unsure of two of my pennies. I'm on the fence about if one of them may be a proof. And I'm leaning more so towards the other most likely is.
One also has a possible error as well.
I'm unsure of two of my pennies. I'm on the fence about if one of them may be a proof. And I'm leaning more so towards the other most likely is.
One also has a possible error as well.
1990 proof cents are cheap
Except for 2017, cents minted in Philadelphia do not have a mint mark
Proofs from 1990 will have the S mint mark
If you are looking for the no-S proof, there would be no question if you have a proof. There will be frosted details and mirrored fields.
Im trying to figure out if I have two proofs without the S
You do not.
How do I post images when I'm using a phone on here? I'm having trouble doing so.
You can use imgur and then link them.
Are they in a proof set holder?
If not, you will need to know what a proof cent looks like.
I do have a proof set for the 1990 year. this one that im questioning in particular however has a possible error on it as well which is why im one the fence. This would be my 4th one found in a year if it is though and im stoked. ^_^ i love error coins.
Fourth one found this year? Please forgive my skepticism. Once you have been a member a few days you can upload pictures. Please show us all four.
Collector, occasional seller
Yeah, I'm getting that vibe...
Watching too much Youtube coin BS ??? Try finding out what a proof cent is and how it's made. Then try to understand what business strike cents are and how they are made. THEN find out the history and why the 1990 no S and why it matters and you wont have to ask us cranky old collectors what we THINK you have. Its called home work and thats your assignment for the night. We expect a full written explanation by 10 AM tomorrow before anyone else replies to your question.
My fourth error coin this year. I only have a proof set bc it was a gift from a family member who heard about my interest in coins. Being overly proud tyrants in a world that has collectors in every aspect is extremely small minded boys. They make perfect coins and distribute them constantly every year. I prefer the ones that aren't supposed to get out.
The closed mindedness and better than thou attitudes aren't needed especially since I was reaching out to a community I'm not familiar with for the first time.
Hopefully this link will let you see this penny.
Here is the pic…..
Not a proof.
MY GOLD TYPE SET https://pcgs.com/setregistry/type-sets/complete-type-sets/gold-type-set-12-piece-circulation-strikes-1839-1933/publishedset/321940
Definitely not a proof
Not missing a mint mark either
It can be a little tough as a new member, but if you can look past a some behavior that you might personally find objectionable, you have the chance to benefit from the immense amount of knowledge here.
You will always get the correct information here - sometimes immediately, sometimes after a discussion - but you will always get the truth. That is not true of so many other internet resources.
Ohhhhhh fourth error coin. I thought you meant fourth 1990 no S proof, that was unclear.
There is no "better than thou" going on here, just realists reacting to (what we thought) a very unlikely claim.
Carry on and keep searching.
Collector, occasional seller
@Autumsctt... Welcome aboard. Thanks for the picture. As stated above, that is not a proof cent. Too bad about the fingerprint. No other error is obvious in that picture. Show us your other cents. Cheers, RickO