Would these coins grade? New photos added

I don’t know if either coin would grade because of odd(?) looking surfaces? The barber is PL I think, but was it cleaned? The half dime looks like
either a proof or proof-like
to me. On the reverse bottom right it appears to have been struck through. If they would grade, where would they be? Thanks a lot in advance. Ray
You only live life once, enjoy it like it's your last day. It just MIGHT be!

The Barber absolutely looks polished and will not grade is my bet, the seated may be ok, I'm not sure from the photos on it.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
The 1892 dime looks polished to me. I don't see it straight grading.
Not the 2nd coin so the barber no the other may have a shot but they look TB to me. But what do I know really need to see it in hand to know for sure.
Hoard the keys.
I really like the 1859 Half Dime
Collector, occasional seller
Half dime will grade for sure! 1892 Barber? Maybe? without another photo in a different light, i would probably take a chance and send it in!
Barber no, Half Dime yes.
pictures will not show light cleaning
Pictures will not ALWAYS show light cleaning.
Post better pictures (clear, enlarged, straight on) or just submit them to the TPG... Really cannot accurately assess from those pictures. Cheers, RickO
Good luck:
Seated, yes.
Barber no
BHNC #203
Cool coins!
If not really sure, I'd take them to your
LCS, for short.
They might be able to help you out?
Good Luck
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.It really depends on how many hairlines are on either coin. If either coin has none or very few hairlines, they both should straight grade. My hunch is the barber has too many hairlines to grade, and the half dime has a shot.
I have added some new photos using my new camera setup. I think it will be a couple of years before I might get good enough. Comments appreciated!

I don't know if either coin would grade because of odd (?) looking surfaces? I think the Barber dime appears proof like, and the half dime also appears proof like or proof. The half dime reverse has been struck through something. Please don't laugh at my photo setup, this is the best I have ever had. I used to use a cheap notepad only. Thanks for your input. If they would grade, your guess as to grade? Ray
I think a halogen lamp is a bit much.
Half Dime: yes, Barber: No!