Some Peace dollars are full of luster

And when I find them I fall for them!
Another blast white ... for those that work a lot with peace dollars knows that 1924 (and some 1926) have specimens with what seems like an extra layer of luster and like a crusty surface of flow lines and “bumps” - here’s a good one picked up this week!
Nice! It has a great look.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
The pictures just don’t do it much justice it’s actually stunning in hand. It is even noted in the red book about some 24s (and 26s) have almost a lumpy look and a really visible, almost bubbly, surface luster. This one shows it very well. They seem to be most prominent in lower grades - perhaps the surface area is easier to scratch or something ...
Very nice, love the die crack on the neck.
Some Peace dollars have the look, this one is very nice!
My YouTube Channel
Peace dollars with this luster are really impressive. I have a couple like that.... They really stand out from the majority which seem to have more of a non-lustrous, flat appearing surface. Cheers, RickO
Peace Dollars with super luster lots of blast have always sold well for me on the bourse / online. Very strong demand.
Love this!!! Double if you could get that on a label...
Here's my 1923 with loads of luster.

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I like the second 1924, nice toner
The 1924 sometimes comes with that really granular, really frosty, really lustrous look. Detail is usually a bit soft so I think it's from a late die state where flow lines are pronounced.
I'm a sucker for this look too.
@Joey29 @johnny9434 are you guys just pulling OP’s leg? Those photos are of the same coin.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
I still like the second one
(It was early)
They are the same coin! The second one looks gold because I used a light source I thought would help see some detail.
And yes I try very hard to collect blast white examples with visible luster - my 1922 is so far my favorite this one is a close second. I am working on a few others that look good as well if I can get a good price.
And to add - I have less common dates but looking to find some with better eye appeal
Very nice coins.👍🏼👍
Hoard the keys.
1924 peace dollars are my favorite for this very reason.