Tell us something about yourself

Tell us something about yourself that we might not know already, just for entertainment purposes. It doesn't need to be any personal information, just something interesting that we might not know already.
Tell us something about yourself that we might not know already, just for entertainment purposes. It doesn't need to be any personal information, just something interesting that we might not know already.
I smoked cigarettes for years, Marlboro's, and quit a few years back, now I chew nicoting gum all day.
My vision is horrible, I'm nearsighted which means I can see up close but not far off. I used to wear contact lenses but switched to glasses because the contact lenses were irritating my eyes.
Cancer survivor
Was a volunteer firefighter in Michigan
Certified yoga instructor. Did this to strengthen my practice plus perhaps teach in retirement
Have 12 tattoos
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I solve Rubik's Cubes competitively. Pretty sure I've mentioned that around these parts before. 12.66 seconds before anyone asks. No, I'm not even remotely competitive at the competitions I attend. It's a young person's game!
I'm a Coke addict. Coca-cola, that is.
Oh, I am addicted to Coca-Cola as well, I've tried every flavor ever produced, except one.
I hate eggs, just look at them, they're disgusting!
I also hate pickles, and they have no business being in vending machines!
I have Indian blood in me, I got a tattoo of one on my right shoulder.
I work out 6 days a week
I only buy Honda vehicles
I chew nicotine gum
I hate pickles unless they are in a Sub or sandwich
Is that a real thing?
It's a fake, the story goes, some photoshop guys took a photo of Coca-Cola cherry and made it into a meme. I thought it was real at first, and did some research and found out it is fake. I suspected it wasn't real, I couldn't imagine Coca-Cola making such a disgusting flavor.
Well, yeah, if you're going to undercook them and leave them looking like slop, eggs are terrible.
Yep I researched it.
And as far as scrambled or fried eggs go, I won’t eat them without cheese.
I eat EVERYTHING medium well to well done.
We will never share a steak so it will have to be beers instead
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I work as a restoration specialist at the largest electric utility company in the state of Florida for the past 26 years. My true passion is baseball, both playing competitively in my younger years to mostly just watching from the sidelines now, but i love all sports, with football being my close second. Like DD I hate eggs! lol I love a cold Pepsi after work and have to have my meat cooked well done.
I also have to have my meat cooked well done, I can't stand any red color inside!
I’ve said it before m, I would drink beers with you anytime. 🍻
And you and I can have beers and steak!🍻 🥩
I see dead people.
Never smoked. Gave up alcohol August 1999 after I met my future wife. Used to drink a at least a 2 liter Diet Coke a day, but gave that up last year. Now using Mio in water.
Love my steaks medium, have to have some juices in them.
Dennis Leary is my spirit animal
Quality meat should never be cooked past medium or be within sight of ketchup, properly trimmed beef tenderloin should be slid quickly across a 900 degree, 10 ft flat top once per side and still moo. Exceptions for some poultry and ground anything.
At work on Wednesday a guy grilled steaks for us and they were great. He asked us how we wanted
our steaks cooked, I said well done along with another guy and almost never heard the end of it.
Everyone but him wanted it medium rare, medium, medium well to well done and he made fun of all of us for
ruining our steaks. He's a 'rare' guy and I've never seen one of 'them' hold back on comments about how
everyone is crazy for wanting anything other than a rare steak.
Sounds good to me buddy! 🍻
Another thing about myself, I love watching horror movies, I'm watching the remake of Candyman right now at a secret bootleg free movie site I stumbled across recently!
When I was growing up, I hated salt.
I've since learned to enjoy it

both as a crusting agent for meat and for balancing or enhancing flavors.
ETA: Oops, how do I delete a picture?
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
The sequel was just as good as the original!
@doubledragon : I don't know - all them "Calicos" look alike!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I never particularly liked pheasant hunting.
And when you're a rural Kansan that is almost blasphemy.
Do you enjoy eating it? For me, the best tasting meat is that which I have personally dispatched of and pheasant is darned tasty in general.
Damn - guess I have to keep you away from my ducks -
But maybe let the guard hawk take over..........
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
My one obsession is taking pictures of nature............. and helping out distressed animals to get back to normal. Just a few of my pics - I have hundreds in my folders.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
OH!, And I really like the Band "MARILLION" - with Fish and especially with Hogarth. Of course with all bands - they have great tunes and then not so much great tunes....................
Look them up LIVE tunes - try "Splintering Heart", "Neverland", "Man of a Thousand faces", "Easter", "Power", "All One Tonight"
OK enough for now --------------- Have fun!
With Hogarth..........
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
That's a wise idea, but I have no problem eating the hawk as well. My wife is SEA and I eat a wider range of proteins than she finds acceptable. Outside of the hummingbird (perhaps the black one also?) and those specific butterflies, I've eaten one of their kind.
I've eaten one of their kind.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Im a 130 kind of guy.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Anything above 140 is blasphemy for that cut, IMHO. 110+ fine by me. Acceptable range.
Ideal ribeye, yes, 130ish.
Guarantee I'm one of the few who's ever tried to chase one for dinner here (it's futile). No one is ever the same after eating their freshness. 😉
@Steven59 if you are ever in LA I need a squirrel whisperer. Damn ground squirrels need a talking to
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
You are 100% correct! I remember when I was a kid working as a prep cook when a waitress would drop an order slip off for a well done steak, the cook used to yell at the waitress how the guy doesn’t know what he is talking about and they won’t take the steak back when he doesn’t like it lol
I’ve ordered my streak well done and got it brought to me almost medium and I joke with the waitress that I want it cooked my way not the way the cook
Likes it lol.
The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock B&W are my favorite tv shows
See, another one who can't just say how they like their steak and let it go at that.
Mark (justacommem) is the exception.
LarkinCollector Posts: 8,968 ✭✭✭✭✭February 5, 2022 2:17AM
Anything above 140 is blasphemy for that cut, IMHO. 110+ fine by me. Acceptable range.
Ideal ribeye, yes, 130ish.
That is so awesome! Thank you for helping the animals! I am the same way, if I see one injured or in distress I will jump in to help out. All of the dogs me and the wife adopted are all rescues from terrible situations.
I will eat a steak on rare occasions, and when I do, it's medium rare.
However, I just don't see what the big deal is about steak. I can take it or leave it. So given a choice, I will take a greasy cheeseburger over a steak every time. Pizza over prime rib. Lobster tail over a T-Bone. I've eaten in some really nice steakhouses, too, and always get quizzical looks from my party and my server when I order the twin lobster tails, or the seafood platter special, or the bottomless bowl of linguini with clam sauce. Or a double mushroom and Swiss burger with the special bourbon bbq sauce and waffle fries. I mean, if it's on the menu, why can't I order that instead of steak without getting the looks? To each his own.
Graduated from Infantry Officer Candidate school in Ft Benning, GA. The heat and humidity there between June and November cannot be described.
Lost my best friend in Viet Nam. To honor him I volunteered to do a tour. Spent 7 months in the 1st Infantry Division, the remaining 4.5 months in MACV Hq in Saigon. Got a Bronze Star and Joint Service Commendation Medal. Saw the Bob Hope show with Connie Stevens and Dean Martin's Golddigger ladies, this just a few days before Christmas...things you never forget. If you were there, I was in Lai Khe, Can Tho, DiAn and a touch of Bien Hoa. There are no words to describe "coming home".
Ten years in the Army, got out as a Captain.
Air Traffic Controller for 7 years.
Have a Private and Commercial pilot's license, single engine land.
Have a BS degree in Professional Aeronautics(honors) and an MBA in Aviation Management(honors), from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Was once an Adjunct Professor there, teaching Intro to Air Traffic Control and non-radar Approach Control Procedures.
Survived 36 years in the Federal Government. Yup, got a nice pension.
Have travelled extensively and plan to keep on doing so. Coolest places I've been to are Australia, New Zealand, Southern Italy and Sicily. The Amalfi Coast is a wild ride! Capri was wonderful. Croatia on a 12-day small yacht cruise was truly exceptional as was the local scenery.
Have two upcoming cruises, one to the Eastern Caribbean in April, and the Greek Islands in September. Also have a 10-day road trip planned to cruise around Montana and Idaho in June. More travel planned. My goal is to spend and enjoy.
As for smoking, I used to hammer 60 lucky strikes a day! Yup, I was a 3-pack a day guy. Not filtered, the real deal. The day I got home from Vietnam, I quit cold turkey. Wasn't fun for a few days but I made it, haven't touched a cigarette in over 40 years.
Probably a bit too much, but this is the condensed version.
Retired for the past 3 years. Collect Medieval coins. St. Louis Cards fan in BB. Packer
fan for FB. I always order my steak medium rare. Regardless of its the out come, I eat
the steak unless it is burned. I'll inform the waitress and express my dis pleasure.
I never send food back and I don't ask for a replacement. I know what pissed off cooks
do to food.
On The Snake River With Nicole
Says it all......
Awesome photo!
Seafood will always trump beef for me, outside of a nice New York strip I can say a good Cheese Burger is right there with beef overall
We got a 4.5 pound Teacup Morkie named Phoebe
Here's our "6 pack"
My crew. 80% of the time they are like a transformer dog. Almost always together
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
My name is Dewey Oxburger. My friends call me Ox.
I've swallowed a lot of aggression, along with a lot of pizzas.