Various coins

A lot of smart dedicated members on board. I have a handful of coins in my possession for more than 50 years that I wouldn’t mind sharing with the knowledge of this board in their worth. Ive googled, but don’t have the time to invest in deep research.
An 1800’s silver dollar
Bunch half dollars
A few Indian head nickles
One Mercury dime.
They may all be worth not much more than face value, but I really should have a pro look at them. I can post pic or happy to text anyone pix for their evaluation.
TIA, Paul
Post pics when you can
Successful BST with ad4400, Kccoin, lablover, pointfivezero, koynekwest, jwitten, coin22lover, HalfDimeDude, erwindoc, jyzskowsi, COINS MAKE CENTS, AlanSki, BryceM
They are likely worth about 20 times face value, even if common dates and fairly well circulated. Do please post clear pictures of fronts and reverses, and do not clean them!
A good thing to do is get a notepad and write down coin type, date and mintmark and start from there to weed out common varieties.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
You've had them for 50-years and haven't had the time to invest into the research? Do yourself, and us, a favor and buy a Redbook.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
You've never had a busy week or 2600?
Perhaps he is an elf, or dragon.
i had a grandfather's coin collection he bestowed to me and despite knowing people in numismatics and asking them what to do with the coins, NO ONE stated such a simple and effective thing such as this unfortunately and i ended up selling them at an antique shop before i knew anything because there were some books i wanted to order.
in retrospect i didn't live far from our library at that time but never put it together until shortly after i sold the collection. i didn't have any pics or any knowledge about what was in there but they were full albums. i'd LOVE to at least had known what was in there but it was not to be.
i did tinker with them for a long time but it never occurred to me to check via the internet or if i did, not much. probably 2008 or 9. a mere couple years later, here i came. ugh
Perhaps he is an elf, or dragon.> @LanceNewmanOCC said:
That hurts my feels.
ya it would have been neat just to see what was in there and what he gave me. he did pretty well in life and is quite a decent person. he helped me get through my teenage years so THAT is saying a lot. lol - the real disappointment was not getting ANY good direction from the people i talked to that should have at least pointed me in some general direction like, umm, go buy a $10 coin book. DUH. then i could have gone and harassed some dealers about my $1000 vg lincoln cents i have cuz the book says so. heh
to look at it cathartically though, i did end up picking up some collections that were quite representative of what i had sold or even better and going through a husbands numismatic history with notes on 2x2s, show tokens, wife's stories about traveling together and some pretty impressive spoils to go along with it etc all helped salv over those wounds because i could use my knowledge to help get more money for them that they probably could have otherwise on average and i'm happy to pay for good stuff and maybe get a surprise grade or two and a few varieties to help sweeten the deal. i did find a neat group of colonials in a group of foreign a while after a deal was struck one time.
also with another wife that actually was working the show circuit disposing of her former dealer husbands EXTENSIVE inventory/collection. i bought so many cuds from that lady it isn't even funny. she was no slouch though. i had to pay up for pretty much everything. met at her house in another state and lots of conversation ensued. got to see some neat remington statues and whatnot.
@Flyboy08 - yes, pics will be required, once you are able to post them usually new members have a few days or more before they can. it may also be post count related.
@Flyboy08 .... Welcome aboard. Do not rush into any decisions... Get a Redbook, as advised above, Post pictures here when you can. Good luck, Cheers, RickO
Thanks to all....I’ll post some pix over the weekend...Best and stay warm....brrrrrr
What @CoinHoarder said.☝️
Sorry for the delay as I was called away!
Let's start with a Silver Dollar is a free resource that will give you a general idea of what your coins are worth. That Morgan there is a common date, circulated coin. Worth a bit over melt value.
Thanks. Pricing on that site is all over the spectrum? $45-1300?
More like $15-20.
As others have said, buy a Redbook.
Waste of money for the few coins I have questions on.
Well the top price is $1300 the low is $45 yours is in the range of $30 to $40 hope this helps.
Hoard the keys.
Next up Kennedy Half dollars!

Lady Liberty Silvers half dollars..
You will find the current melt value of your coins on the below link.
Unless a rare variety, the silver dollar is worth somewhere around $31.
The half dollars you have shown are circulated common dates, worth melt value.
The 1917 Walking Liberty half dollar may be worth something. Does it have a mintmark? The other coins are common and worth silver or a bit more.
The Kennedy halves are only 40 percent silver.
Successful BST with ad4400, Kccoin, lablover, pointfivezero, koynekwest, jwitten, coin22lover, HalfDimeDude, erwindoc, jyzskowsi, COINS MAKE CENTS, AlanSki, BryceM
I do not see one even under a magnifier?
Your 17 (D) obverse walker does appear that it has a D mintmark. If so, the only above silver price walker that you present.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Look under the In God We Trust on the obverse (front) of your 1917 half dollar. Is there a D or S? Examples below.

Cannot make out any mint on the 1917 coin...
With no obverse mint mark, it is worth silver melt value.
lastly, Indian Head Nickels.
Just want to say I know how irritating it must be for peep's to stop in Like I have to price out their treasures...I'd like to say thank you to those that took the time to respond. Best to All!
Those quarters are worth silver melt value. Reference the Coinflation link for current melt value estimate,
Not sure about the value of the nickels. They all appear to be common dates. But, get another opinion on these.
Ok, so no lottery here. I didn't expect one either, but these coins have been in a jar for decades and I just wanted to see if there were any that would have led to early retirement:-)..Guess I'd be lucky to get a tank of gas:-)
On the silver, some dealers are paying a little over spot price right now for the 90% silver that you have. So if you sell, make sure you get more than one quote on the price so that you get a fair price on the silver. If you don’t need the money, I would keep the coins. Silver was close to $50. an oz back in 2011. Price is always fluctuating. Silver is a good hedge against inflation.
I'll hold on to them..maybe make cufflinks with a few :-)
Silver Morgan rings sell for $100+ on ebay, like this.
Lots of youtube videos show you to make 'em yourself.
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
They may not be worth a great deal, but I always love the old circulated coins for the history they have been a part of. Pretty cool to think how many hands they must have passed through.
Another good resource for you is PCGS photo grade. You can compare your coins to theirs to guess grade and then use a free resource to get a price estimate.