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The circulated Eutopia Dollar - a Goloid dream!

ZoinsZoins Posts: 34,287 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 30, 2022 7:10AM in U.S. Coin Forum

Just ran across this circulated Eutopia dollar. I've been looking for one of the 2 specimens without a die crack without avail yet, but thought this one is very interesting.

These were designed and issued by Nicholas Veeder using dies from Herren Bros. & Co.

I tried to look up some background on Veeder but only found Nicholas Gerrit Veeder, Revolutionary War veteran from Schenectady, New York that lived to the start of the Civil War. There's quite a bit of information on the Revolutionary War Veeder but I'm still looking for info on the Eutopia Veeder. Anyone have more information on the Eutopia Veeder?

This is made of gold encased in a ring of silver. More information is available on So-CalledDollars.com:


Also of interest is that ANACS did not give a grade to this!

1886 Eutopia Dollar
Composition: gold, silver
Catalog: HK-1005
Certification: ANACS F-5338-M No Grade
Pedigree: Paul E. Sidebottom

Anyone know Paul E. Sidebottom?

Photos from Fairview Coins.


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