The Denver mint needs to quit using Covid as an excuse to keep tours shut down.

The rest of the country seems to have found a way to mitigate risk and keep things open with certain protocols in place such as masks and distancing. Apparently this is above the pay grade for the geniuses at the mint.
Need a Barber Half with ANACS photo certificate. If you have one for sale please PM me. Current Ebay auctions
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Meh. Not the most important thing to me
Me neither, I just don't like useless excuses. I'll bet if the tours were revenue positive they would find a way to keep them open.
Shouldn't that be the case?
People aren't sitting at home in a plastic bubble instead of visiting the mint.
A mint tour is not a high risk venue.
I agree that it should be open. I would like to visit this year.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
The entire world needs to stop using it as an excuse, period.
No, if it's about safety, then revenue should not enter into the equation.
What we need is a leper colony coin.
Here is a coin from Denver.
And a spoon too
If you have resource issues - staffing, for example - then why wouldn't you prioritize limited resource allocation based on revenue? I would and must private businesses would also.
There have been staffing issues throughout the Mint for the last two years leading to all kinds of service issues. [See numerous Mint threads on this very forum.]
You also have very paranoid employees who don't want contact with the general public. Many faculty at my college still want to be teaching remotely, for example, because they don't want to be in the classroom with students even though we have a vaccine & booster mandate as well as a mask mandate.
So, for the sake of a free tour, why would the Mint open the doors, upset their staff who may be overloaded and require increased cleaning protocols of public areas? It really makes no sense as a business decision.
[This is completely separate from whether any of the current covid response is rational or whether people's fear is rational. That feeling still exists in significant numbers of people. ]
Most activities have returned to normal in this area.... We do have a governor imposed indoor mask mandate, but many ignore it. Cases have plummeted recently. Cheers, RickO
There are aspects of daily life that must continue despite the pandemic and that are worth the risks. Coin shows and mint tours are not.
I asked my doctor, "When will the pandemic be over?" He responded with "How should I know? I'm not a politician."
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
This is no longer a Denver Mint tour thread, just another excuse for a politi-rant. I hope the moderators are paying attention.
Well, it's really only one person who is on a rant.
Yeah. This is an official

Presidential dollar thread.
Post your PCGS graded modern coins.
I love this place and free thinkers.
How dare the government try to protect its citizenry from a disease that has killed millions of people worldwide?
LOL. But since this is about the Denver Mint, you gotta post D dollars. :-)
Somehow, I'm imagining in my mind this question being asked by the great Rodney Dangerfield! Thanks!
Speaking of the Denver Mint - Is it not they, who had the worst quality, in terms of 2021 releases??
BST references available on request
What about NFL games, NBA games, NHL games, eating out, I could name endless examples of non essential things that have returned to somewhat normal. If you're fearful of these things, you have every right to stay home, wear 17 masks and get 45 booster shots. At some point we have to learn to live with this virus, much like the seasonal flu.
Here is a Denver coin to keep things on track
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
This thread was doomed from the beginning.

Entertainment interests should not supersede public health interests. The fact that many of the other things happen demonstrate the degree of narcissism and entitlement that has overtaken our society. The "we can do what we want to" mentality is the precise reason this pandemic has become a catastrophe. If the government had acted sooner and people acted more rationally, the spread of the virus likely would have stopped in its infancy. At the height of the pandemic, the U.S. reported more than 1 million new cases in a single day. Just wait until Omicron mutates into something more deadly, and there are no longer enough ICU beds and ventilators to go around.
alpha33. Bless your heart, southern style. 🤨
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Here ya go! Tour the Denver Mint from the safety of your home.
The Denver Mint should......make a proof! Let's have some fun trivia, when has the Denver Mint produced a proof coin, and if you have one, post it!
Custom album maker and numismatic photographer.
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Give me a break with the self-righteous holier than thou attitude. No where in the world was COVID slowed down. Wearing anything other than an N95 is never gonna stop, or even slow, the transmission of a viral disease. Also, it’s obvious now that the COVID vaccines don’t stop a person from getting COVID. Nor do they prevent transmission of the disease. What the vaccines do is greatly reduce the chance if getting seriously ill or dying from COVID. So why continue to keep everything shut down? Individual people should make a risk analysis, then decide whether or not to get the shot. Someone else’s decision should have no bearing on what you do. And here’s a little virology 101- viruses almost always mutate into less deadly, but more infectious strains. Sound like something called omicron? If a virus were to kill all of its hosts, it’s not going to survive either. Evolution doesn’t work that way. One final thought- who cares about “cases?” What I care about is mortality. And from where I’m standing, that number is way down. Signed,
A doctor treating COVID patients for over 2 years
Back to the mint and tours.
The tourees do not meet the floor people.
But the mint has had employees die of Covid.
Perhaps they are just being super cautious on a non-essential tour.
It’s not a big deal to me if they want to keep them shut down for the foreseeable future.
Your argument is incredibly naive.
1 - This goes well beyond mortality. The focus should be on morbidity. As you know many COVID survivors have substantial complications (especially for cardiac, renal, and pulmonary systems) long after the COVID infection subsides. For instance, studies from JAMA Cardiology found 60% had myocardial involvement several months after infection as determined by inflammation on cardiac MRI and an even larger number had higher levels of troponin even a few months after infection. Other articles suggest cardiopulmonary involvement even in those with only mild to moderate symptoms. Moreover, new studies published in October suggest that even moderate cases of COVID can lead to an increased risk of DVT and (obvious stroke/heart attack risks). The old adage that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" isn't applicable to medicine as you know.
2 - The number of cases is important. Logically the more cases there are, the more severe cases there will be. A large number in a short time puts obvious stress on hospital resources. There are people that have died of routine diseases because of a lack of ICU beds and ventilators. The fact that this isn't remotely concerning to you is disturbing.
3 - Evolution is random. While many mutations make a virus less deadly and transmissible, this is not always the case. Notable exceptions come to mind like the Delta variant of COVID-19, and several iterations of the flu including the 1957-1958 Asian flu (H2N2) and 1968 Hong Kong flu (H3N2). As you know, most of the flu strains evolved from the 1918 H1N1 outbreak. The 1968 Hong Kong flu and the gross morbidity and mortality it caused were due to antigenic shift. Put in laymen's terms, the original flu strain or its successors mutated so drastically (and randomly) that it created new surface proteins that no one had immunity for and that largely evaded the immune system. The more cases/disease vectors, the more opportunity to new strains (both more and less deadly) to emerge. The possibility of this morphing into something worse isn't negligible.
4 - I didn't say shut down the entire government and all of society. My post stated that potential mass spreader events should be avoided whenever possible, especially when the basis for the superspreader events are for entertainment value. No one is going to be harmed by not going to a football game or on a mint tour for a few months.
And my post is not written to be condescending; it isn't really even intended for you but for those who might possibly be persuaded by your arguments.
Threads like these tend to bring out the people who buy their soapboxes in bulk from Costco.
My Instagram picturesErik
My registry sets
Does Costco sell Dove or Crest?
I believe this forum is one of the better places to have this discussion. Given the moderators sensitive touch, if it goes to sideways they will shut it down.
I don’t see a lot of insults. I don’t see a lot of name-calling.
What I do see is medical professionals who visit the site coming in and giving a real world analysis. People on the front line. Workers with skin in the game.
Coin collectors can also tend to be dedicated and thoughtful professionals, in other areas of life.
My position on this; The risk is not equally distributed among the population. A person that goes 3 bills, smokes and has type 2 diabetes is at a much greater risk of serious disease than someone of the same age with none of those pre-existing conditions. That is where personal responsibility comes into play. The person that fits the profile in example 1 needs to decide what precautions they need to take to keep themselves safe. Never in the history of this country have we quarantined healthy people. People accept a certain amount of risk even while driving a car. Each person has to weigh that risk with their own set of circumstances. If you're 80 and have poor eyesight, your risk is different than someone that is 30 with 20/20 vision. Even that is no guarantee, you can be the best driver in the world and in split second a drunk driver can cross the center line and hit you head on.
What moderator(s)? This is the wild,wild west of coin forums.
re tours: If the mint were to do tours, some would be belly-aching about being required to wear a mask during the tour.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Thanks for the lecture. I’m well aware of potential COVID complications. Like mortality, I’m certain those complications will lessen as our knowledge of the disease continues to evolve- just like mortality has. I’m also well aware of the strain that the number of COVID patients has caused. I’ve been right in the middle of it since the beginning. Thankfully, this new wave is nothing like the initial one or delta. We still have a lot of patients, but as a whole they’re not nearly as sick. Regardless, what’s your solution? You mentioned that no one is going to be harmed by not going to a football game or on a mint tour for a few months. We are way beyond a few months. I’ve got news for you and everyone else- just like the flu (which mutates at least every year), COVID is here to stay. No matter what you do, you will eventually catch it. That’s a fact. Even vaccinated people- a large majority of them- are still getting and transmitting the disease. So my advice? Get vaccinated, because it still reduces the risk of serious illness. Take more precautions if you’re in a higher risk group, like you’d do with any other disease or ailment. But then live your life. Have a good night- I’ve got to get some sleep- I have some COVID patients to take care of tomorrow.
Thanks. Now I know where all those black flecks on my Denver mint wheat ears pennies came from.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
No need to call on fantasy for "the lock"...
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Look at the hospitalizations and deaths at any given time during the pandemic. It will help you understand why it is still a pandemic and not in the endemic phase yet.
The difference is that federal sites are under a federal mandate for limited on site working (my wife is almost fully remote for example at a federal center) until the pandemic is pretty much gone. They have not opened up yet.
America needs to stop using covid as an excuse for everything.
The irrational paranoia has gone on long enough.
People are capable of making their own decisions.
We don’t need corrupt politicians telling us how to live our lives.
This group of mod's seem to keep Bankers Hours it seems - From Friday afternoon through the weekend, this place becomes the wild, wild, west in some threads.
Come Monday morning, when the banks open, west coast time, this thread will be locked.
until then...
BST references available on request
I hope these pedagogs at least use the soap....
"... topics such as politics or other "taboo" subjects are not permitted..."