Sell/Trade autographed memorabilia

Looking for any advice with this: I have some items in my collection that I am ready to part with. All of my stuff has COA's from the reputable companies. Mostly NFL memorabilia. Other than Ebay, where else can I sell/trade these types of items?
Wrong forum.
Post in the Buy, Sell, Trade - Cards & Memorabilia Forum. Be specific as to what you have. Generalized descriptions are likely to be ignored.
Sorry! Thought I was in "general discussion". Thank you!
It is But it is the US Coin Forum.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
Thanks for the reply's. Sorry to post this here, but I cant find forum guidelines on this.
US Coin Forum appears to be the forum I can post/reply too. Is that cuz Im new?
Glitch in the system seems to defaults new members to the coin forum and its been happening for a few months. Not sure when you'll be able to post elsewhere, but probably when you're approved.
If you're still having problems after the weekend, I would suggest contacting @HeatherBoyd or @PCGS_Moderator . It's just as annoying for the coin people as it is for the new memorabilia people and it doesn't get corrected
Have you reported the glitch @Oldhoopster?
There may be a "bug" award in it if you do. lol
It is a pain to see non coin threads appearing here.
Welcome aboard @mikebus7.
If you contact the moderators, maybe you could report it as a bug.
Kennedys are my quest...
thank you all. I will give it until Monday and email them. Sorry again for crashing the wrong boards!
Thanks for the heads up.
This should be fixed now.
Looks good! Thanks you all for the help.