Lincoln Cent Collection With A Counterfeit 09SVDB (Seller Pulled Listing)

Two things, both obverse!
(1) Serif on the 1 in the date!
(2) The tail on the second 9 in the date is to straight!
And don't let that PCGS looking silicone ring that was cracked out of a slab for a whatever coin fool you!
While the powers that be are working to get this listing removed, what else do you see wrong with this coin?
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
I see the views going up, no new comments yet, the powers that be must be at work

Just think the collection is listed for well over $2,000 and nearly $1,000 of that is based on a counterfeit coin
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
imo, the date was added after the coin was struck but between the date and the mm not much else is needed but we could pick the rev apart as well if we had better images. that color. sheesh. even for a polished/cleaned/dipped and corroded linc, it would be hard to match that color.
i wonder if they sit around patting each other on the back thinking what an outstanding job they did!
The seller said he was going to pull the lisiting and did so.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
I thought the very same thing, I figured the reverse is a real mess!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
@LanceNewmanOCC "imo, the date was added after the coin was struck"
The serif on the top of the 1 & the closed 9's is a known overseas counterfeit.
Good to see that another fake has been removed. Although the picture of the reverse is poorly focused, the details on the VDB are off.... Cheers, RickO
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
I see you have caught on to what I have been saying for the last 2 months about "one and you're done."
Why does it apply to this piece and not apply to yours?
Your coin has at least 4 things wrong and yet you think it's a special piece struck by a bored mint worker.
What makes you think this coin isn't a different "special" piece struck by the same bored mint worker?
If they made one special strike why couldn't they have made another special strike from another set of dies?
If your coin has a whispering VDB why can't this one have a whispering STATES?
You are giving the term "Mental Masterbatesion" a whole new meaning.
You are being talked about on other coin forums now... here is what they are saying.
"It's a 1909-S w/added V.D.B. The guy is certifiable. His coin is "one of a kind". I'm just waiting for the thread to be shut down, as the guy continues to make absurd statements about the coin."
"Yeah, he kind of goes off the deep end. Refuses to post a better pic of VDB even though his closeup of 1909-S is good enough to recognize the die chip inside the upper loop of S. Not sure what his game is."
You act like you are trying to make a name for yourself by making the next big numismatic discovery and yet you are just trying to rename work that others have done. The only name you are making for yourself is a fool.
Now you say:
"As long as there is only one known of a coin that looks like mine, I'm thinking it's authenticity will always be questioned no matter who might deem it to be genuine."
"As for sending my piece in for "verification" that might happen but it will only happen AFTER I show my SVDB to the dealer I bought it from for his inspection and opinion."
Why would you believe the dealer when you won't believe any experts here?
Why can't the dealer look at the photos here?
It is clear from your statement you will not believe anyone.
"What's really necessary is for another piece that looks exactly like mine to come out of the woodwork."
If it was made by alteration it's a one of a kind, chances of the counterfeiter being able to exactly duplicate his own work is even remote.
You have been given many options on how to help answer any questions about your coin.
Send it in to PCGS
Have a neighbor kid help you with better photos from their I-phone.
Send it to another member here for professional photos and members have offered to do it.
You don't want this to end and you won't accept the truth even if a dozen experts tell you.
The firm insertion you have going is preventing oxygen from getting to your brain.
Why all the members here have not corrected you with all the chum you have been throwing on the water is beyond me???
@mr1874 You said:
"I'm seeing this dot slightly closer to D than B."
"The third dot ,after the B, is not really there."
"The slant of the B is very slightly to the right"
"The position of the mm for both the piece with VDB and the comparison piece, a 1909-S without VDB appears to me, in hand, to be the same."
One and you're done!
The mint mark in the wrong position for one of the 4 known obverse dies is a big red flag!

The deep N (Type 2) reverse is a big red flag!
The "Whispering VDB" is a big red flag!
The slant on the side bar and center bar of the B is wrong and is a big red flag!
The dot closer to the D than B is a big red flag!
and you're done!
I can't post that current state of the above animal, but I can say that the buzzards are about done with it

Also, its still a counterfeit horse, something about those ears
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Looks like a donkey
Yep, but on its first go around it was an example for "Beating a Dead Horse" so, that's when the humor of it being counterfeit started
So, its either a counterfeit or we've had the phrase Beating a dead horse wrong all these years, and its actually "Beating A Dead Donkey"?
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Yep, I tried to pass this counterfeit horse off in another thread but got busted.

Busted again!
Maybe that's because it's a Donkey?
EEEK. Already mentioned.
Dang! How did this turn into a thread about a donkey?

OOPS, posted my mistake!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Here is a better photo of that known overseas counterfeit.
Can you see what's wrong with the date now?
an amazing discovery ddo/rpd you have there. great spread on the date!
Also, look at the tails of the nines (9) notice they don't curl and follow the shape or roundness of the rim! The counterfeiter's of the one above later removed the serif from the (1) but left the straight legged 9's. Some of these also has a decent curl on the tail of the first (9) while the second (9) being to straight.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Wait let me do some more work on that image, I'll be right back!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
I think I got it worked out now!
When you look at these images side by side it makes it clear about the tails of the 9's in the date, especially the 9 next to the rim. The image on the right is a genuine 09SVDB, notice the curls on the legs (tails) of the 9's vs the coin on the left (same coin in the OP)
That straight looking tail is a counterfeit marker and its a bit like the deep vs shallow valley "N" in UNITED, both markers seems to have become known a good bit later than the other known markers for whatever reason?
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
@burfle23 posted this in another thread but I thought it would be good to have a copy here too.
@mr1874 wants attention so maybe we should just bump all of his threads and keep them all on the front page so he gets the attention he desires.
@PCGS_Moderator or @HeatherBoyd