Is there anything to get excited about this 1972 S penny

Or is it merely my eyes playing tricks and imagination running wild?
Had found this penny a while ago during CRH and popped it into my Danso 7070 album. Forgot all about it till I came across the following pics.
Your opinions please and thank you in advance.
The eye, Die Gouge above Shoulder Point etc. confirms it's a 1972-S DDO-001, PR-1-O-I-CW LC Doubled Dies Vol 2/1972SDDO001.htm
My query found the answer on another thread
The pictures I posted from the archives do not tell the full story and my sincere apologies for the screw up.
A BIG Thank You to all those that responded.
It looks like some machine doubling and PMD.... Cheers, RickO
Looks normal to me.
Hoard the keys.
What exactly are your concerns about this cent? The S mintmark seems to have a thick tail but that may just be from a damaged punch
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Picture not clear enough, but I am thinking die chip or damaged punch for the lower loop of the "S".