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Is there anything to get excited about this 1972 S penny

vulcanizevulcanize Posts: 1,408 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 10, 2023 3:00AM in U.S. Coin Forum

Or is it merely my eyes playing tricks and imagination running wild?
Had found this penny a while ago during CRH and popped it into my Danso 7070 album. Forgot all about it till I came across the following pics.
Your opinions please and thank you in advance.

The eye, Die Gouge above Shoulder Point etc. confirms it's a 1972-S DDO-001, PR-1-O-I-CW
http://varietyvista.com/01b LC Doubled Dies Vol 2/1972SDDO001.htm

My query found the answer on another thread


The pictures I posted from the archives do not tell the full story and my sincere apologies for the screw up.
A BIG Thank You to all those that responded.


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