2016 Centennial Set Pricing Question

As gold is going back up again I'm thinking of selling this set. All in OGP and ungraded. What's a reasonable price to sell these for? I've looked on eBay but with spot going up it's not a great guide. Is it basically considered bullion at this point or is there a small premium attached to them?
In general, such sets will garner a small premium over melt.... Since melt is rising, the speculative premium will be higher while the rise continues. Cheers, RickO
Greysheet is about 10% over spot.
Thank you! That gives me a basic idea of my options from selling privately to selling to a dealer. To a dealer it sounds like it'll be melt. To a private person, a bit above. I bought them when they first came out so the higher spot value helps me out a bit.