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My Morgan Collection Part 15 (1894-O - 1896)

david3142david3142 Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭✭✭

We’re still in the thick of key dates but we can see the end of the forest.

The 1894-O is a tough date. There are a number available in AU but most are unappealing. MS examples are rarely encountered and expensive when they are. This example has great eye appeal for the grade, with virtually no evidence of cleaning or hairlines. It is one of the least expensive coins in my set but to upgrade it meaningfully would require a super AU58 (at maybe $800) or a nice 63 at around $4000!

1894-O AU53

The 1894-S is more readily available than the other MMs from this year and would be a good date set example. It is also the only one that is reasonably available in PL. They are well struck and have good luster. This example has the appearance of a higher grade with nice mirrors and an overall clean look.

1894-S MS61PL

1895-O is one of the key dates of the Morgan series. You’re not likely to see an MS example for less than $10K and anything nice will be well over that. Even AUs are $1K+. The New Orleans mints between 93 and 97 are all really tough and then the rest (98-04) are very common except the 03-O. This coin replaced another I had in the same grade as it has an even more original look.

1895-O VF30

1895-S Morgans actually come nice and even PL, but they are still mid-four figure coins in MS. I had a VF35 that I really liked but I want a PL date set so when the opportunity came to acquire this one, I went for it. I love this example (which is also the S/Horizonal S variety). It certainly looks like a higher grade to me and I consider it one of the highlights of my entire set.

1895-S/Horizontal S MS62PL CAC

1896 Morgans are super-common even through superb gem and easily the most common later date Morgan with color. PL and DMPL coins are readily available too, although the vast majority I’ve seen are not particularly nice. Lots of haze and weak cameos. I had a 65+ in this slot (also toned) but I like this one much better so I "downgraded".

1896 MS65 CAC

Feel free to share some of your own Morgans from this date range. Thanks for continuing with me on this journey!



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