Boeing Coin Show Report for Sunday, January 16, 2022
The Boeing show has always been hit or miss for me. It’s nice to see friends but the selection can leave something to be desired. As the second largest show in Seattle for the year and a short drive from home, it’s still one I go to each year. I last went in 2020, and of course 2021’s was canceled. After the 2020 show, I had most of my cash and just held onto it for the PNNA show in the spring. That show didn’t happen, so the cash finally left my wallet at the end of the year when I got this guy, who 13 months later would give me a happy reason not to linger at the show. He was napping with his friend when I left.
I got the the show right when it opened and noticed nearly half the tables empty. One dealer I’ve known for a long time (and with whom I’d overlap at work before he retired) said the show was busy and more full the day prior, so I set out to walk what was there and hope things picked up. This is where there isn’t much to report. There was a large mix of material—US, foreign, exonumia—but not much that was particularly exciting. I pulled out just one coin (not counting a neat ancient I had no expectation of buying), a Morgan in an NGC fatty 64 holder. I think it’s a 65, and without two light scrapes on the cheek maybe a 66, but I didn’t see any easy way to get much more than 64 money out of it without putting a good amount of money in, so I passed. It was a nice coin but not one I needed for me. There were also a lot of tables with stuff strewn about or boxes, bags, or cheap stuff covering much of the material or the better material. I don’t understand this practice, it’s a pet peeve, and assuming none of the coins in those cases will be for me I just walk by and don’t bother to inquire. These dealers must realize they’re losing sales when no one can see their stuff, right?
After walking the show two or three times I realized I wasn’t going to find anything else, so I ducked out having spent around 90 minutes there. I’m glad to have seen one dealer friend, and it was nice to see a show even if I didn’t come back with anything. I still had cash from the fall PNNA show, so now I’ll have to decide if I should take it back to the bank, wait a few months for the next PNNA show, or get another puppy.
Anyway, I got home and the furball was happy to see me. I did a bit of work and then we went to the dog park on one of the few non-rainy days of late (though still cool, low overcast, and otherwise kind of meh outside).
And one more because he’s cute
Sounds like most every show I go to, nice that you got to go and be at the show anyway.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Good report even though the show wasn't the greatest. Sorry to hear that. The covering of cases is a pet peeve of mine too and I'm sure many others. Even more so when a customer spreads all their crap over the case and parks their butt there for a half hour.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
I should have specified--they were covering stuff IN their cases. I hate when people are oblivious and put their junk on top of cases, but at least I understand it a bit. But covering your own wares INSIDE your own case? Come on!
Thanks for the report. I used to hit this show back when I lived in Seattle-- too bad it wasn't that great this time around.
Thanks for the report. Somewhat disappointing, since this was usually a really good show in years past when I lived there. At least the show occurred...that is a good sign for future activities. Cheers, RickO
I'm going to have to check and see if there are any shows coming up in my area. I haven't been to one in nearly two years. Many of the local Sunday bourse type dealers sound just like what you saw in Seattle - lots of "stuff" but not much of any quality.
My puppy is chewing on his toy airplane.
Successful BST with ad4400, Kccoin, lablover, pointfivezero, koynekwest, jwitten, coin22lover, HalfDimeDude, erwindoc, jyzskowsi, COINS MAKE CENTS, AlanSki, BryceM
Thanks for the report! I was there Saturday and couldn't justify returning for a 2nd day - sorry to have missed you.
I was able to pick up 4 oz of gold at a surprisingly low premium over spot, which was $1825 at the time.
It was the smallest and slowest of all the BECC shows I've been to in the twenty or so years I've attended.
Superb pupster. We have not conversed since you were running the charity auctions . . . .and I supported there. We are also bonded a bit by an aviation love. I enjoy seeing your progress, leadership, and involvement in the hobby!
Thanks for the report! I experienced something similar. I was there with the wife and daughter Saturday afternoon... some of my dealer friends reported it was busier earlier in the day, but not so much by the time we got there. I also found nothing to buy and not too much to even look at closely. My wife found a nice art deco medal she liked, and my daughter, who gets a small "coin allowance" at shows, selected an animal-themed silver round as usual. How few people were there? They had the 4:00pm prize raffle, where you have to be present to win, they called lots of ticket numbers, and my wife and daughter ended up winning the two prizes for that hour, an uncirculated Washington-Carver half for the wife, and one of the Boeing plane medals for the daughter.
@mvs7... Thanks for the report.... Great that your wife and daughter won prizes. Cheers, RickO
Yeah, nothing motivates my daughter (who is nine) to attend coin shows more than "prizes." Scavenger hunts and free giveaways a close second. Closest thing to it from an excitement standpoint, numismatically speaking, is when she finds silver in the Coinstar reject slot. We're just hoping it all fosters an interest in "dad's collection" some day.