How Soon Will You Find the First Coin of the New Year?

In recent years the thrill of hunting W Quarters has gotten a lot more people excited about finding the first coins that show the numerals of the new year. Most years, that first find can remind collectors of foundational joys that sparked their interest or continue numismatic passions. We've heard of some Maya Angelou Quarters being discovered already, have you found a 2022 coin yet?
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I haven't yet, but can't wait to see Washington looking right.
Back in the 90's, it was always April - May before I found the first cent of the new year. During the State Quarter years, they distributed them to banks right away, so I would find them early.
It will still be a few months before I find a 2022-D cent if I was guessing.
I live in CO, about 50 miles from the mint. You would think based on location, I would see them sooner than most.
I really don’t look very hard at change, basically just scan for silver and wheaties.
Last year was the first time I found the coins early in March/April because of multiple roadtrips from CT to SC. But otherwise it would take forever to land the new coins.
Long Beach maybe? I usually stop at one dealers table because he’s got a nice selection of hammered English coins.
Collector of randomness. Photographer at PCGS. Lover of Harry Potter.
I start to see it mid april or so
My most memorable first coin of the year was in April or May of 1959 when I got my first "trolley car" cent.
I wasn't real crazy about the design but the Lincoln Memorial seemed a better choice than a couple of disjointed wheat "ears". Then a couple years later cam the cent with the same date right side up or upside down.
Perhaps the most exciting was Thanksgiving time in 1965 when I got my first '65 dated coin. We had been told that all coins forevermore would bear the date 1964 so seeing the '65 was a sort of relief mixed the disgust of the sandwich coin. Like many others I tried to disassemble it. Those early specimens were often very well struck and were followed for years by very badly made clads.
Usually everyone has seen the new year's coins before I do in May. Indeed, one collector back in the early '80's IMS actually got a new coin before the ball dropped. The mint checks out there dies in December and a specimen got mixed in with the current coin. (which might not have happened since 1932
I usually see the first cents (always the first to appear in this area) in late February or early March.... Cheers, RickO