Late USPS regular mail delivery

Sort of off topic, but it can be coin related so I am posting it here since we all probably buy coins online or send in coins for grading.
My mail showed up after 6:20pm today for the first time in over a year. I retrieved it from my mailbox around 8pm so it arrived sometime between 6:20-8:00pm.
I have had mail arrive as late at 7:30pm twice since living at this location (been here over 25 years). The good thing is my mail carrier is very reliable so he WILL deliver our mail no matter what, even if he’s swamped. Any other carrier will quit at 5pm and go back to the post office with the leftover mail and have it delivered the next day, but not our regular guy.
So I am curious what is the latest your mail delivery arrived?
Thats not late in my hood (DC). sometimes they deliver packages around 10:00 am, then the letter carrier shows up around 8-8:30 pm. Even during daylight saving time (summer) our carrier shows up with a little miner's lamp on his head. I remember a carrier was killed in the city delivering mail around 10:00 pm and the powers that be vowed to do away with night-time deliveries (that didn't last long) Those carriers travel some rough neighborhoods alone, after dark, with letters and packages.
All of my package tracking notices say delivery by 8:30 pm. UPS is also in the same time frame.
Mine say that too. Now it makes sense why it says 8:30pm. I guess some carriers do deliver that late. Scary to be out there that late at night especially in dangerous areas alone.
My mail comes early,,,,,,, by 10:30 am at the latest.
I have had it after 8pm, and only knew because of tracking on eBay purchase which shows time put in mailbox.
Kinda more worried about $3.40/gal gas - I can wait on the utility bills being delivered USPS!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Never come after 5
My sister get's her mail after dark sometimes. One of the carriers, not her regular one, has child care issues, and adjusts her shift hours accordingly. You can see her flashlight when she is coming down the street.
My mail is usually delivered before noon. Can't complain for the price we pay.
At one time before most people had checking accounts mailmen were issued and carried revolvers just like policemen because mail frequently included letters carrying cash and mailbags were frequently targeted by robbers. Can you imagine your friendly mailman showing up at your door today wearing a revolver?
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
My mail usually arrives at 15:45.... (3:45 PM for you landlubbers)....It has never been later than 16:30 ( 4:30 PM). It has come as early at 10:00, but rarely. Cheers, RickO
My mail has been coming around 6-7 pm twice a week lately. And it's usually the substitute, not my regular carrier.
Regular mail and small packages usually by 3PM. Other packages with USPS delivery truck
as late as 10PM 7 days a week. Yes, 2 weeks before Christmas I got a package 830 PM on
a Thursday and 945 PM on the following Sunday. Haven't signed for a package in 18 months,
regardless of carrier and regardless of value.
In CT - no. In SC - yes.
Has made me wonder too.
In an effort to save money, if a route goes open because a Carrier calls off, or if the Supervisor's new toy the "estimated workload" program shows a route that has undertime and needs more work, the unfortunate Mailman is given extra territory to deliver.
Usually this is done after the Mailmans assigned route is delivered, making the delivery late.
Sometimes overtime is given to a Mailman that requests it (up to 2 hours) and that's where the time really gets late.
That's the "new" Postal Service. Get used to it.
I'm glad I'm retired.......................................
USPS is being hit hard by the Covid virus just like the airlines. Carriers have to cover for their coworkers who are out on sick leave.
I'm also a happy retired USPS clerk.
Wah!! WAh!! Wah!! Do y'all need some cheese to go with your whine?????
Thank you for sharing your valued contribution to this thread.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
P. S. I'm a retired Rural Carrier. Mail can be late for dozens of reasons that ARE NOT the fault of the carrier. Late trucks. ALL mail that day has to go out so we had to wait for the truck. Short help and have do do more than one route and/or help on others. Excess packages. Has anyone heard of Amazon? We also deliver packages for UPS, FedEx, and DHL. I'd come in 2 hours early and work 2 hours past the time I'm paid for WITH NO EXTRA PAY. Vehicle break down can cause significant delays. Excess mail can cause delays.
Does anyone appreciate that they get their mail every day even though it may be an hour or two late? No. Does anyone appreciate that some carriers work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week and are dead tired yet get the job done every day? No. Does anyone appreciate that the USPS is required by law to served EVERY address in the United States EVERY DAY? No. No other package delivery service is required to do so. I worked for the PO for 31 years and did my job to the best of my ability every day and it irritates me when I hear people whining "My mail was 2 hours late today" or "I didn't get the my mail until 8PM". Did you ever think that maybe the carrier who went in to work at 6 or 7 AM may rather be home at 8 PM than delivering your Wal-Mart ads? Why don't you appreciate that they work to whatever hour it takes to get your mail to you that day instead of whining about it.
Please read my post after yours.
Hats off to all the hard work done by out tireless civil servants in the usps; they work harder than many employees in other branches of the federal government. I've seen packages delivered on Sunday during the pandemic, and they have to follow stricter rules than most other delivery businesses do. Very, very impressive! If someone wants mail first thing, a po box may be a solution.
Ok... Uh... don't get angry...
I just literally got off the phone with my PO. Today I received 3 different neighbors mail. It's been like this for the last month. I have no idea what mail I might be missing
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I'm not the one that's angry. Read some of the posts before mine and search ones that have been posted on a weekly basis for years, even decades to find the angry people. I was just explaining facts about carriers that hear blame on a daily basis and rarely get shown appreciation. 95% of the time it's not the carriers fault for being late. We were not allowed to, nor had time to, lay blame on postal issues where it belongs, and that's on management. The public sees the carrier virtually daily and therefore that's where the blame is laid. I'm retired now and very willing to lay blame on incompetent management and will stand up for the carriers, who for the overwhelming part are very hard workers. Incompetent carriers are fired, incompetent management get promoted,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and that's a fact. I saw it happen over and over and over.
I'm not saying carriers are perfect. Your issue should never happen and I hope it gets straightened out. In my 31 years I've seen just about everything. I can offer an explanation for this that could put blame on management, the carrier, and even the customer,,,,,,,, yes the customer. But I've ranted enough for tonight.
Our amazing regular carrier retired last April. His replacement was great. But for the last month we have had yet another carrier. It's been pretty bad and it's been with sensitive mail.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I agree that should not happen. I hope your call got it straight. Sometimes pointing an ongoing issue out to a carrier will cause them to be more careful. See if it helps, if it doesn't, PM me and I'll tell you the next step to take that will "usually" correct it.
Will do and thank you
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I encourage you to sign up for Informed delivery at It gives you a scanned image of all the letter sized mail that you should receive that day. If something is missing you would know right away.
From a retired 34 year city letter carrier. Tom
People are more likely to gripe when they are annoyed, than to compliment when they are satisfied. I have had good postal carriers for many years, and I appreciate the work they do. Especially when it's very cold or very rainy, it's a tough job!
So a small number of people online discussing and not even necessarily complaining about late mail delivery means that literally no one appreciates various aspects of the Postal Service? My experience is that most people are pretty appreciative, but the complainers, while small in number, are very vocal. And that's how life is in general, a small number of people causing the majority of headaches.
I do a lot of shipping with USPS and FedEx from a small town with frequent road and airport closures and no local delivery. So I'm very aware of aspects out of the control of individual employees. I'm also very appreciative of these workers, who are generally very hardworking. Two of our best friends in town are our FedEx Express driver and one of the postal clerks.
However, I also don't believe that all employees are particularly hardworking. One of the backup FedEx drivers is known for being lazy and last month skipped our daily pickup because he "drove by slowly and thought our office was closed". It was not closed. Or the postal employee that likes to scan items as placed in the PO box but then not actually put them in the box before closing for the weekend. I understand it didn't get in the box for whatever reason, but I don't like tracking saying something I am waiting for is in the PO Box when it actually isn't.
Here in the Boston suburbs, mail can come at any time or not at all.
If the mail comes early, it is due to the regular carrier delivering his / her route.
When mail comes late, it is due to a secondary mail person being paid overtime to cover my route.
When mail does not come at all, it is due to insufficient overtime being paid.
If the overtime only covers 2 hours, then mail only gets delivered at the beginning of the secondary route and the rest of the route can wait until tomorrow.
It only bothers me when I have that special package that is out for today's delivery and does not show up.
Kennedys are my quest...
Thank you for saying so. I've been retired now for just over a year and your comment is much appreciated. There are bad carriers just like there are bad employees in every profession from fast food workers to doctors and lawyers. However, most carriers I know care very much about their job and are hard workers and I'll defend them to the hilt. Management, errrr not so much.
Same here. That has happened once or twice but the majority of the time there is nothing important coming the few days our mail doesn’t get delivered. Luckily, I think, there has only been one day in the past year or so that our mail didn’t come at all.
I've been very lucky to have had many great letter carriers through the years. In every case I got to know them on a first name basis and they went out of their way to provide good service. For example, once I forgot to put a stamp on a letter and she got out of her delivery vehicle and came to my door so I could stamp it. The letter carriers aren't the problem, it's the upper level management. If your letter carrier comes late, it's because of understaffing. A coin collecting friend who belonged to the same coin club as I was a letter carrier who told me that his route involved a neighborhood where each house had a dozen or more concrete steps to get to the front door. When we had freezing rain it was treacherous to for him to climb those steps. He said upper level management had a policy that every fall was preventable and that if you slipped on glare ice and it resulted in a lost time injury you would be reprimanded. Talk about adding insult to injury.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I totally agree. Very well put.
The Post office delivers late at night so that their customers can get same-day service, at least 30% of the time.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
Whenever I get mail from the USPS, it is on the same day that I receive it. Does that count
It counts only if your awake to see it.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
The USPS service here is currently as bad as it's ever been in my lifetime. Mail now arrives as late as 9:30PM and rarely before 6:30PM, priority packages arriving 1-3 days after the stated delivery dates, packages being misrouted to other states and arriving a week late, etc. I understand that covid is playing a huge role in this, however I believe things basically went straight downhill soon after the current postmaster general took office. The one who's only qualification is that he was wealthy and a large financial supporter of the past president.
Your hobby is supposed to be your therapy, not the reason you need it.
Can't the current president replace him if he's doing such a bad job?
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
<<< Can't the current president replace him if he's doing such a bad job? >>>
I've read that the president cannot terminate the postmaster general per federal that incompetent imbecile will unfortunately remain in office for the foreseeable future.
Your hobby is supposed to be your therapy, not the reason you need it.
The Postmaster General is appointed by the Board of Governors of the United States Postal Service. The are 9 governors, who are appointed by the President. They can replace the Postmaster General. Currently there are four Trump appointees, three Biden appointees and two recently expired positions that Biden has announced replacements for.
The Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, announced and began implementing some relatively large changes in June 2020, but particularly in light of complaints and lawsuits that it could impact voting by mail, the changes were paused two months later and a couple months after that, reversed. So changes by DeJoy did cause mail slowdowns, but only for a couple months in the summer of 2020 when they were active.
DeJoy is the first Postmaster General without previous USPS experience, but was a longtime CEO of a private logistics/transportation company.
So I bought a coin from a seller in Maryland.
Seller shipped USPS and my package is now in Puerto Rico on it's way to me in California.
Not the first time either

Wow Puerto Rico?!! Never heard that one before. I have heard of things bouncing from state to state from never from the U.S. Territories.
Retire USPS clerk here. Packages are sorted by high speed machinery. For our management a 1% error rate was good enough.
Never heard of this happening before.
On a bright note, maybe they will appear with a nice Puerto Rican tan. Lol
Kennedys are my quest...
Like Joni Mitchell said, "you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone".
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Now listen boy, I'm tryin' to teach you sumthin' . . . . that ain't no optical illusion, it only looks like an optical illusion.
My mind reader refuses to charge me....
I signed up for that service a couple of months ago. I have never received a notice for any of the packages delivered. This morning, I got an email telling me there was nothing today. While I was at the PO dropping off some packages, I checked my box. There was a package there. Informed delivery is worse than useless.
Small town post office where the postmaster and I are on a 1st name basis. He holds all pkgs. for me. I pick them up every 3 days. Also remember him at Christmas time. No problems thru the whole covid / postal service mess.
I appreciate the USPS. The tracking # alerts work great. I can see high speed scans of all my incoming mail. I've got way more important things to deal with. Peace Roy
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