1926s wheat cent cud error??

I am just about 2yrs into coin collecting and I have yet to have or actually see a cud or what one is.... only videos... haven't seen felt one yet... although I happen to own apparantly.... and happens to be I think 1 of the lowest mintage coins with errors..1926s.. and I think I have a cud error on it but need yalls advise and expertise.... someone to tell me it's worth $1 tops and it's PMD and back to the drawing board with my 2cents....thanks
The coin looks dented (PMD) to me.
I'd say Post Mint Damage also. The side view of the rim show the rim dent, which likely pushed metal downwards to form the raised area. Keep looking... the good ones are out there still to be found.
Rim damage - not a Cud die-break
I agree that it is PMD... Rim damage that makes it appear similar to a cud. Thanks for the good pictures. Cheers, RickO
Thank u very much Mr weinberg.... for the confirmation , even tho it's heartbreaking for me💔... now I won't have to email u and disrupt ur day.... not yet on this particular coin anyway, lol.... blessings friend.
Keep up the good searching, Ryan. You'll eventually uncover some stuff.
.....................and it's fun, too!............................