Whales or wussies?

When it comes to coins, when I was growing up we used to call the rare dates and expensive coins “whales” and the more common, less expensive “filler dates” the “wussies” (don’t hate the messenger - I grew up in a rough neighborhood!) - anyway - some collectors like to collect only whales, leaving out the common coins and only focusing on the key dates, and then there are others that like to go for the common coins, leaving out the whales and key dates - but having a larger collection of less valuable coins. What kind of collector are you? Do you go for whales or wussies? I recently met a guy who only collected key dates in his collection of just about every series and he told me he was a “whale man” - before that, I had never heard of this —!
Is "wussie" better than dreck?
I have keys and semi keys in my circulated slabbed type set for ones after 1900, and for the ones earlier than 1900 I have the nicest circulated non-keys I could find. It would be boring to look for the nicest circulated ones after 1900 and would be cost prohibitive to get key dates for the pre-1900 ones. It ends up being a similar dollar value for all of them doing them this way.
How about a WW collector. I collect both as I like to complete sets!
I collect what I like.... sort of like a fisherman who is fishing for supper. Cheers, RickO
Worse. It's a Title IX violation.
I will say that if one is a set collector, like a Registry Set, you typically need to collect both Whales and Wussies.
I always thought that a "whale" was a wealthy coin collector.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
It depends on the perspective.
The “whale” is the target of the obsession, like Moby Dick.
So for a collector, a coin can be the whale, but for a dealer, the collector is the whale
I thought that whales only collected dreck, so I'm confused.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Thankfully I don't measure my masculinity based off my coin purchases.
The numismatist with the biggest dork will not always be an obvious whale.
Lol - I was hoping to trigger some odd responses and you guys didn’t disappoint!!