If you're going to do lots of images you should invest in a good stand. Here's one I've used in the past. You can find them anywhere from $125 to well over $700. Hope this helps.
That'll do the job as long are your lights can go where they need to........... Kaiser makes light holders and sockets for their stands that provide versatile lighting set ups.
Lighting is one of the most important items needed. Bob Campbell suggested I use LED's, and I found these online. They're great. They come in a set of two, so I bought two sets, only use three, however. They're bright so you'll want to diffuse, I use wax paper wrapped around the light and held on by a rubber band.
I really don't know what you're referring to, can you post a picture of what you're looking for.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
If you're going to do lots of images you should invest in a good stand. Here's one I've used in the past. You can find them anywhere from $125 to well over $700. Hope this helps.
@lablover I've never seen one. Looks interesting. Thank you for the information, appreciate it. Jon
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
Bought a Kaiser RS2 on ebay
Latin American Collection
That'll do the job as long are your lights can go where they need to........... Kaiser makes light holders and sockets for their stands that provide versatile lighting set ups.
Best, SH
Lighting is one of the most important items needed. Bob Campbell suggested I use LED's, and I found these online. They're great. They come in a set of two, so I bought two sets, only use three, however. They're bright so you'll want to diffuse, I use wax paper wrapped around the light and held on by a rubber band.
Just ordered a couple sets of those LED thanks @lablover for the link. I’ve been using old swing arm lamps and they are a bit of a pain.
My Ebay Store
Just bought those LED's as well. Thanks for the link!
Latin American Collection
I just used my heavy duty tripod, an adjustable table (hospital bed table bought at hospital tag sale $5) and these two LED lights from Amazon, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07T8FBZC2?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
Good luck