How many Numismatic items did you purchase in 2021?

Numismatically speaking 2021 was a good year for me. I purchased 12 US coins, 2 National bank notes and a numismatic book.
I was outbid on several lots in 2021.
I hope 2022 will be as good or better starting with the FUN show.
I have some pics that have stayed on my phone from this past year. Individually, too many to count. Some junk and some pretty good stuff
Three trivial bullion items and one numismatically consequential addition to my coin collection.
Not enough
I bought a lot in 2021 (roll of graded Peace Dollars, Roll of graded Morgans, 40+ Dan Carr items, Classic Head Half Eagles, gold type set items) and had 9 Dan Carr items stolen while in shipment back from ANACS so I guess I bought a lot minus 9.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
More than I should have. More than I want to admit. Too many US Mint products.
Five or six.... Will have to check later..... Several U.S. Mint products..... Cheers, RickO
2 items for my collection, yet I did buy a lot which was flipped.
WAYYYY too many but I don't regret it, at all.
Each piece was a good purchase. IMHO, and each fit my collecting goals and quality standards.
If money weren’t finite; I'd still be buying more.
It was indeed a good year.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
5 or 6. I think.
Just 1 that I put in the keeper box:
With my acquired cladking addiction I bought thousands of coins via mint sets......
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
None All the driving distance coin shows were cancelled.
20 coins total. All but 2 from the mint.
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
I can't remember what I bought last month let alone the entire year! But adding to a collection is always a fun time.......
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
To dam many.....
Five total - four for my Liberty $2.50 set and a 55 DDO. I would have added more $2.50's but others always seemed to have inquired before I did.
Zero, zip, nada.
Second year in a row with no purchases. Don't particularly anticipate any purchases this year either.
About a dozen bust halves, a few mint items.
Bought quite a bit from the US Mint (AGE, ASE, Morgans, Peace etc.).
Too many
At least the USMint let me get my PDS 2021 Morgan Dollars!
A lot! this was just the start of the peace dollars.
Hoard the keys.
Several thousand dollars worth. Wanna buy a coin shop? Spam alert