50,000 coins

I owned a cheap Radio Shack detector when I was a kid and a used Fisher in the early 80’s but I never put in much effort to really learn the machines so I didn’t find much. I bought a Walmart Bounty Hunter in late summer 2001 and discovered detecting forums like this one over that winter. Reading the posts and seeing other peoples finds got me hooked. In June 2002 I got that Bounty Hunter out of the closet and started recording my finds. I added a Garrett Treasure Ace 300, then my Tesoro deLeon and finally a Tecnetics G2 to my arsenal and kept adding up my finds.
Today, about 6 months short of 20 years later I dug my 50,000th coin. (A clad dime)
I retired earlier this month so maybe it won’t take another 20 years to hit 100,000.😄
@Dockwalliper ... That is great.... We look forward to your next 50,000 .... May they be rare, silver, gold and plentiful. Cheers, RickO
May it all be wonderful digs
Way to go! Reminder to self. Dust off my detector!
100% Positive BST transactions
You can find gold with these things?
@charlesf20... Absolutely.... Many use it for that purpose in gold country..... I have found one nugget with a MD. Cheers, RickO
Dockwalliper...... I know what its like!!! Enjoy your retirement and before you know it you will be at the 100,000 mark.
Walmart currently lists (94) different Bounty Hunter models. Which version was yours @Dockwalliper?
That’s a lot of pocket change. 👍👍
Lafayette Grading Set
Along with the 50,000 coins I’ve recovered over a dozen pieces of gold jewelry, rings, pendants, earrings and a 20 inch chain.
What are the best pieces you found?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
And how many Hockey Pucks to go along with the 50,000 coins. Do you also find coins around these hockey areas when they thaw out?
Lafayette Grading Set
I've been detecting for over 20 years and have never found any money. I guess people don't drop coins in random desert expanses? I just find gold and lead.

Love your life story. Good luck on your quest.

USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
The vast majority is modern clad but have dug a few nice coins. A Walker half, seated dime, two cent pieces. Alas, no Morgan dollars.😔
I only know of one Morgan dollar being found MD'ing locally.... Not far from my house... but not by me
Cheers, RickO