Internet Only Coin Dealers Losing The Internet From Disasters (Lear Jet Crash)

First off our thoughts and prayers for those who lose their life from a disaster.
I always wondered about the home internet businesses that lose their Internet connections for months from tornadoes or hurricanes.
I run two internet only businesses and watch the stock market every day in the background on cable TV.
Two nights ago, A lear jet crashed about a mile from our house and my family heard / felt the shockwave. Unfortunately 4 people lost their lives.
In an instant our internet and cable TV were out. I do everything on the computer and mostly on the internet. Ebay still had the 8% eBucks deal going on. My daughter disabled the wifi on my phone and used the cell service to find a slow internet connection. It is so hard for me to use a phone for what I am use to. I gave up and went to Home Depot to buy material for retaining wall as I was bored stiff.
I do not know how you guys do it that live in the land tornados and hurricanes. I felt lost. I had no cable or Internet cable for a day and a half. It seemed like forever.
This is the longest internet outage I have ever experienced in 25 years of using a cable internet connection
I am dependent on technology for sure.
Be safe out there and happy new year to all.
Natural disasters are horrible and losing life is especially tragic..
When I lose connectivity, I focus on physical activities. The last time I was in a multi-day outage, I ended up doing a lot of swimming. Luckily the hotel I was in had a generator as electricity, phone and Internet was down for the entire city. You couldn't even get out. The airport was shut down and the train station was packed and chaotic.
If it was for months, I might consider relocating temporarily and returning when services were restored. With things like tornados, usually the next town over is untouched.
I did and built this (lower retaining wall) yesterday ...
Sad event for sure, but these kinds of senarios just point out some of the dangers of the reliance on using only electric and no gas that the current administration is pushing. Add the hacking dangers to a country that is completely reliant on electric power only and it should be clear why a single source of energy is a poor idea.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Missed the link
You could always turn your phone into a wifi hotspot and use your regular computer through that connection.
Thanks, hopefully there will not be a next time.
Last night, I caught my wife and daughter watching a freaking game show on television. I ask about it and my daughter said they are getting from the cell service. I then asked If she could hook me up and was told no as it uses too much data.

WTF, a freaking game show is more important.
Family Feud is pretty good.
Be thankful you weren’t on the plane.
Your problem is insignificant when compared to the loss of life.
I agree 100%
But it is still an issue and I am sure much more of an issue back east.
Disasters do and will happen.
Nothing wrong with discussing the issue of connectivity while acknowledging the tragic loss of life.
Most of the time my Verizon hotspot is faster than my AT+T internet on my laptop. AT+T has a monopoly on us as far as wired service.
I use my phone for almost everything now. Still do taxes on the PC but thats about it. Everything coin-related is phone. Wifi goes out, no prob, 4g/5g plenty fast.
I dealing with high end photographic images of coins and high end software to process the images. Has to be on a large screen computer. I could not image nor want to do it on a phone.
Everything coin related is way easy on a desktop computer except maybe texting.
In a major war w emp and nuclear blasts internet wb knocked out. What would u do then?
Satellite internet
Cell data plan
Probably a few others, not a bad idea for businesses to have more than one method
Like you, my home business is 100% internet based. I live in South Florida, east coast. Hurricane alley! In addition to my desktop, I also have a laptop and iPad as backups. In times of outages, there are MANY ways to keep the business up and running, some easier than others:
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
During Superstorm Sandy back in 2012 we went 14 1/4 days without power.
No internet, no TV no nothin'.
That sucked, especially the second week when it for COLD!
BHNC #203
We have indeed become dependent on web connectivity and services..... Some frightening - but all too possible - scenarios lurk in the future. Prior planning prevents piss poor performance.... Or, as we refer to it - Six P insurance. Cheers, RickO
A few years ago, I had to deal with a hurricane coming, fortunately in this instance, you have a day or two advancement to make prep. I limited the stuff down on ebay best I could, then used the phone as internet hot spot and battery back up to process the few remaining packages. also, my office is down in town in a more stable building that hardly never losses power.(it was only out there overnight) here at home it was 4 days outage.
Just make sure there's enough Bitcoin to pay the ransom
@Zoins.... That would be one scenario.... a major event (i.e. EMP/solar event) would literally wipe out bitcoin - possibly for an extended period of time. Cheers, RickO
Just put your wallet in a Faraday cage or bag
But you did get me thinking about hypersonic missiles. They don't even need to land, just deliver a EMP by detonating in the atmosphere.
I also wonder about what a EMP would do to fingerprint locks for guns? Would you be able to get them off?
@Zoins... Yes, but with no way to trade/sell/use them.... they remain useless. Cheers, RickO
Living in the mountains a hot spot is very nice to have. The dish gets buried easy. 4-6 inches of snow and no tv. DVR and grandpa’s vcr are standard equipment. Hot spots work 10 X better than our lousy wi-fi. We have a generator and weeks of food put up. Snowed in up here is something else. Good luck and swearing at it all does help me😉
My favorite target is wi-fi service or lack there of🙀
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
You can sell them on GreatCollections and Stack's Bowers after PCGS slabs them
@Zoins.... But not without an internet..... well, perhaps a live auction... but under the circumstances, it would be speculation. Cheers, RickO
One should be more sensitive about the loss of life.
Our selfish internet needs are not an appropriate subject relating to a plane crash.
Didn’t want to start a new thread but last year my area burned down and now a repeat in the Boulder Co area 600+ homes😢. So far no lives lost. Talking about interruption of service they lowered the gas flow to our area in the mountains. Just another thing that doesn’t occur to me until it happens. I’m on the west side of the mountains were as Moonlight Mint and Mr. D Carr and company,are much closer and I hope ok. Thanks
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
What a tragedy. Read it was a medical flight returning from Orange County after dropping off a patient. Weather was not good (it had started torrential rain around the time it crashed.
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We have 2 cable internet options: Verizon and Optimum. Coffee shops in town and other places usually are not out, especially if they have Verizon which is fiber optic.
I believe it was pilot error.
I read that he was on an instrument approach and at the last minute the pilot asked the tower for a visual approach and was approved and then the pilot got confused in the low clouds and fog that San Diego almost never has.
Sad for sure.
I hope you get your internet feed back soon. This a real concern for a lot of our young people. Loosing or just having a lousy/slow internet is really stressing them out. Just be grateful you don't have a dial up feed for your computer or a party line for your telephone. Boy, weren't those the days. LOL
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I run a relatively small business. I do EVERYTHING on my phone, run payroll, do taxes, submit massive amounts of reports and insurance requirements, supply purchase, I rarely turn on my computer. I’m typing this from an airplane somewhere over New Mexico from my phone.
Getting political in here...... And also incorrect...................
I live in the Netherlands and in the year 2022 we still have periodic outages almost every day -- sometimes they last a few minutes or a few hours.
It really sucks when it happens on a Sunday night and I am trying to stream NFL Game Pass.
I often go to Italy and there are plenty of places where cell phone reception simply doesn't exist.
Welcome to the mountains of Colorado. Spotty at best. Heck relatives in the north central and north west states have many spotty reception areas.
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I have other trades. That's a product of having to do most everything by myself, anyway.