Ways to hide your bullion in plain sight

-Use your 100 oz. Bar as a doorstop.
-Put your gold coins in a small treasure chest in your fish tank.
-Hang your silver from a wind chime.
-Embed your coins in a lucite toilet seat.
What other odd and crazy ways have you heard of?
Never thought of hiding bullion in plain sight.... Have always secured it.... I do like the fish tank idea though. Cheers, RickO
Feed your dog a little gold every day for one year.
What one year.
Buy a metal detector and hunt your backyard.
I have an assortment of heavy bracelets, while not completely hidden this one has about 5 ounces of platinum. Most people think it’s steel

11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
The gold chest in the piranha fish tank.
I actually used to have a tank full of those, back when you could still get them. They make amazingly interesting pets. NO WAY I'd put my hand in there.
What about that Platinum gear shift knob?
For a short time I was using a pair of 25 oz silver bars as a camera stand weight. Now I have replaced them with a 5 lb bag of Ike's. 🙂
Old TV in the attic or storage room. You can’t pay to get rid of them.
You really need to watch, "A fish called Wanda"!
100 oz. bar? One of the guys I used to work with at Harlan Berk's place remembered a time somebody came in with a 1,000 ounce silver bar painted green that he had been using as a doorstop.
I have scrapped dozens of old Tube TVs for copper this past year.
Wouldn’t that be a treat!
It's all about what the people want...
I have heard of people painting 1000oz bars of silver Black and using them as landscaping “bricks”
It's all about what the people want...
I have one of my basement that is probably too heavy for me too carry upstairs. Maybe if I spread a rumor that it contains silver bullion... 🤔
Ya and in 150 years you can get PCGS to conserve them, slab em with a gold label.
I had a pair of fire belly piranhas, when I got them they were about the size of a pea they grew to 12 inches. I had them for about 14 years. I would put my hands in every time I had to clean the tank and never had a problem. If one of them wanted a finger it would be gone before you knew what happened.
Here is one of them.

I assume you fed them well before putting your hand in the tank to clean it.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Mine came after me a time or two. Watching them effortlessly bite feeder fish in half told me all I needed to know.
I knew a Montana Rancher that kept the interior barn door (to his office set up) propped open with a 1,000 Morgan Dollar bag still sealed. He was quite the coin collector and ranched over 10,000 acres. Had the money and had the fun.
Unfortunately he's gone now and the kids sold the ranch............always wondered where that bag went.
On the berm with the rest of the sandbags.
Bullion: This word comes from the Anglo-Norman term for a melting-house where metal was refined, and earlier from French bouillon, "boiling".
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I remember reading in a metal detecting magazine about a gentleman who went up and down the West Coast buying any gold nuggets he could find for a number of years. He then mixed them in the concrete and laid a patio behind his house. He then put a ceramic cap on top of the concrete. Unfortunately for him his business was illegal drugs and the FBI showed up arrested him and tore up his patio and took it with them. He ended up with a long jail sentence and no patio.
Get a kitty litter box and some kitty litter.

Works fine if you don't keep a cat.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
I had a customer that also kept rattlesnakes in a terrarium. He would store coins in there with the snakes. Kept me honest! 😉
A: The year they spend more on their library than their coin collection.
A numismatist is judged more on the content of their library than the content of their cabinet.
Be careful about the old tv. One of the guys that worked at a local manufactured housing plant, used to keep his coins in an old console tv. Mainly to keep his wife in the dark about how much he was spending, one day while at work, his wife called hope harbor to come take away some old furnishings and stuff, and they took the tv with all his coins, and stuff in there. he never did get them. lost quite a bit
I like all the ideas above, especially using a big ingot as a doorstop.
The only rule is, make sure a trusted family member knows.
Someone here on the forum told of the 5 gallon bucket of miscellaneous nuts and bolts he bought at an estate sale. It was one of several that were available. A year later he got to sorting through the hardware and he found that underneath the top layer of nuts and bolts the bucket was filled with silver coins.
When I was working for Harlan Berk in Chicago I had two guys come in with about 30 common circ. gold $5's, $10's and $20's that they found taped inside the metal shell of an old washing machine that they were breaking down at the scrap yard they worked at.
crazy stores.
my dad use to tell me of business in west Texas, that would through the bag of money from the day's till into a rattle snack pen that was on site. no issues.
If you have a safe, put bullion in boxes next to the safe. Anyone breaking in will spend their time on opening the safe and think the boxes only have junk in them.
Back in the early 1970s I remember a dealer in Albany NY that would have folks from Canada drive to his shop with their spare tire full of Canadian silver coins, I was told it was illegal to melt them into bullion in Canada but not illegal in the US. So... I guess you could hide your precious metals in your lawn mower tires and hope no-one stole the mower.
it's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide
That little catch chain is a dead giveaway to me. 😉 but that is just me dumb Type2 thinking.
Hoard the keys.
Pick up a copy of the book how to hide anything.
I put some of my silver bar on top of the elephant to bring fortune.
I use some of my silver to eat with.
