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Test post errors. Wasted time my bad

Prooflincolndie2Prooflincolndie2 Posts: 41
edited December 24, 2021 3:26AM in U.S. Coin Forum

Thanks Tom

Best Answer



  • JBKJBK Posts: 15,876 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 24, 2021 3:58AM

    Which posts?

    I see that you commented on a 13-year-old thread about proof cents.

    What else have you posted?

  • I posted a new thread about the missing 1909 vdb matte proofs

  • It took me two hours to come up with that information in this proprietary I would say. It was good stuff and I had already a lot of comments and people are interested

  • Take me 20 years with these coins I finally found the answer I’m sharing it with people

  • I have found proof of where Missing the Proofs are

  • yosclimberyosclimber Posts: 4,857 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I saw your post on the "Missing MPLs found", and I added a comment.
    The thread is gone now.

    Your posts to that thread did not contain the actual proof yet.
    Please go ahead and post that.
    It may take a day or two before you can post photos, so just be patient in the meantime.

    My advice is to write your posts in a file on your computer and save it.
    Then copy all the text from the file and paste into a new thread.
    That way if it disappears, you can try again later without having to type it all again.

  • That’s horrible so I just spent three hours of my life and a lot of time away from my daughter and wife writing that so I can help our Coin community better enlighten people on the discovery of what I found over the last 15 years of hunting for the missing Proofs. This is the real deal I’m not full of it this is it I have filmed real evidence of where they’re at and how to get them. I have quite a few myself. As far as the 53 that number is now much higher… I need help getting them graded properly and sold. This is news worthy. That will help the coin community grow. Thus will preserve the coins and bring in more people to help the others before us.

  • Thanks for the information!

    It’s a real deal. I’m so excited to share it.

  • I have the proof, that’s not my fault I can’t post. Who took it down? Did you?

    That’s not cool!

    I have hours of my life missing my family and newborn baby.

    I have spent a lifetime on this and I’ve had set backs but, who gives someone that right to hurt me and my family?

    I have reference books and everything.

    I have over that are the original that are graded!!!

    I hope that you didn’t take it upon yourself to be the judge jury and executioner if that there’s was proof of the proofs in there.

    For if one read it, could easily understand what I’m saying….

    This could be one of the most valuable discovery’s Ever! If I could get some help I’m am all about helping people that help me.

    I would like to see this get National attention, because of the value and the draw it would bring to the coin community.

    Numismatics is a fun, mostly healthy (besides sleep, and money) , most times lucrative hobby. But with out the next generation it will die like stamps.

    My theory is Stamps stop being valuable when people stop using them well we’re not too far off From coins becoming obsolete. So we need to bring as many people in as possible.!

    I will share information and knowledge with anyone that’s interested. I’m looking to get them validated by the grading company’s (will use one exclusively if they want to help on the grading) I’m not going to say how many I have… I really don’t know that answer. But I know that of the 1st die before it was (“lagged”,think that’s what they call it) it’s the largest discovery.

    Of the original di

  • JBKJBK Posts: 15,876 ✭✭✭✭✭

    If your thread was taken down by the moderators then it was done for a reason. You should be sure to read the forum rules.

    Also, I will say right now that if you are claiming to have made some fantastic new discovery then you must have actual proof. And it must be proof that is accepted by others, including PCGS if you are looking to get coins graded.

    There are lots of people with theories and speculation about various things but that is not proof.

    Good luck. And as @yosclimber said, you should have your documentation saved somewhere.

  • I do have proof and I even said what it was in there. And how to go about finding it. I have the book right here in other books with it I also I’m sitting with over 200 proof 19 09VB coins

    PCGS actually graded them wrong because they ended up grading them and ask some poor guy actually paid them to tell them that their coin wasn’t a $50,000 coin it was in fact a $400 coin and they lost out on that money so PCGS is in the wrong. Maybe they’re upset they could probably get sued for it because they really shit the bed and this one

  • I do you have documentation I will show you everything that is it mean go ahead and ruin what I posted for 3 hours of my life

  • Did they save it?? that at least

  • I have PCGS holders in my hand right now that are the original matte proof die strikes. And they are Graded MS 66+, 66, That’s just next to me.

  • That’s it that’s what I was doing is putting the proof out there.
    I’m not getting mad at the messenger I’m sorry. But how else is willing to go about doing this.

    I have ample Proof sitting right next to me how do I go about doing it?

  • I guess I’ll write a book. To get it out. They are the ones that screwed it up.

    Why should they be the leaders of the leaders of the Coin community. They own CAC it’s illegal what they’re doing, definitely a conflict of interest.

    They’re the ones that messed it up!

    There’s been many many set backs, with this. This is the big one. I think they know they don’t want to get sued. How pissed would one be if your $50,000 1909 Vdb. Pf 65 coin came back ms 65 $80.

    If frustrating to put this kind of money and hours into something to get at the end of it and nothing happen.

    With out a doubt can die marker naked eye most.

  • Look it up? Google it… apologize accepted

  • Literally google who owns CAC

  • JBKJBK Posts: 15,876 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 24, 2021 3:54AM

    Agree with the above post by MFeld.

    I see rant after rant and condemnation of the grading companies for not agreeing with your claims.

    I'd be happy to see your "proof" but based on your posts I am betting that it is just wishful speculation.

    By the way, you are on the PCGS forum, so if you are going to bash your host, expect your threads to be deleted. And if you keep doing it, expect to be banned. ;)

  • I wasn’t until they deleted my message

  • I spent 3 hours writing my “proofs “ on proofs… and I was getting ready to post pictures and couldn’t!!!

  • So someone erased it? I m upset because that’s my time. Someone said that I need to present fact that’s to PCGS i said will.

    It’s deleted I then told him that they are the ones who made the mistake!

    Maybe that’s why they took down. Have 6 proofs that are market ms

    Deleted my post without letting me post pictures is kinda messed up

  • MFeldMFeld Posts: 14,013 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.

  • If you read the post maybe you would understand, but can’t because someone judge that as not proof. So I have pictures that’s proof that I can’t get post

  • Downtown1974Downtown1974 Posts: 6,876 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I’d like to hear more about your discovery, but what you have posted thus far seems like convoluted diatribe.

  • Not one person but I saw what happened…

    I had 3 hours of work, deleted… no warning no explanation just poof. I asked why and said there wasn’t proof. I have proof… I don’t know how this got here but

    I just want to share “wishful thinking” with the coin community… that’s all.

    I guess this is the place to do that??

    I didn’t understand. It’s obvious why the coin collection community isn’t growing… number of people not dollars…

    It seams like people controlled by people that can’t accept that they might not have it correct.

    And that it’s not possible for some one to of discovered something that if it wasnt discovered by a handful icons. Then it’s not correct…

    Maybe if you knew the whole post you’re more likely to understand what happened instead of taking a paragraph I wrote out of context… I wasn’t really upset with them

    I’m trying to bring this discovery with proof and I wrote a beautiful post and some one judged it incorrectly and erased it. Because I have proof but I can’t post it now. For some reason???

    Thanks for jumping in when you have no idea what happened. Give ur unwarranted advice And judgment that a way to get more people to come to the hobby.

  • TurtleCatTurtleCat Posts: 4,628 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Are you that guy who “wrote” that rant e-books for kindle about PCGS and all that stuff? I had a good laugh with those.

    If you’re so positive that PCGS did the grading wrong with these “proofs” why did you not submit them to NGC, ANACS, or ICG? Why not work with a well known dealer and make tons of money?

    Yeah, you’re just having fun on the forum here… it’s briefly entertaining. Happy Christmas!

  • Basically want PCGS to grade 20 proofs that’s all. It was very well written and would have been revived well..

  • Look at key people and founder for all 3….

  • I am sorry

  • No I’m not that guy. I the guy that wanted to share my discovery and share with everyone. Not this, some one said PCGS I didn’t bring them up!!! This isn’t what you think I wrote a post about a discovery and had nothing to do with anything else but the coin. And how cool it was not trashing any one

  • Jumping in on something u know nothing about and won’t because it was deleted by someone that didn’t know that I couldn’t post pictures

  • This was supposed to be a very nice discussion now disrespect and waste of time

  • JBKJBK Posts: 15,876 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Prooflincolndie2 said:
    Jumping in on something u know nothing about and won’t because it was deleted by someone that didn’t know that I couldn’t post pictures

    Your user "role" is listed as "applicant". You won't be able to post pictures until that changes. Normally that takes a day or two but with the holidays I am not sure how long it will be.

    But if you continue with the ranting you might not survive that long.

  • MFeldMFeld Posts: 14,013 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 24, 2021 4:46AM

    @Prooflincolndie2 said:
    I guess I’ll write a book. To get it out. They are the ones that screwed it up.

    Why should they be the leaders of the leaders of the Coin community. They own CAC it’s illegal what they’re doing, definitely a conflict of interest.

    They’re the ones that messed it up!

    There’s been many many set backs, with this. This is the big one. I think they know they don’t want to get sued. How pissed would one be if your $50,000 1909 Vdb. Pf 65 coin came back ms 65 $80.

    If frustrating to put this kind of money and hours into something to get at the end of it and nothing happen.

    With out a doubt can die marker naked eye most.

    @Prooflincolndie2 said:
    Look at key people and founder for all 3….

    There’s plenty of easily accessible information which shows PCGS doesn’t own CAC. Your statement that it does, indicates that your research and fact-finding skills might be lacking.

    Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.

  • MFeldMFeld Posts: 14,013 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @JBK said:

    @MFeld said:
    There’s plenty of easily accessible information which shows PCGS doesn’t own CAC. Your statement that it does, indicates that your research and fact-finding skills might be lacking.

    Might be lacking? :D

    That's very generous of you. ;)

    I was trying to be generous.😉

    Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.

  • TurtleCatTurtleCat Posts: 4,628 ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is one of the kindle books I was referring to. Kinda matches with this person's post pretty well.


    "Stop stealing our coins !!: PCGS stole my valuable nickel (numismatics fraud Book 2)" - Troy-Joseph

    Just read the author's description at the link...

  • Downtown??? Really well put.

    That’s why all this happened because i can’t post the proof..,. But if you read my beautiful written post before it was deleted..

    It wasn’t about anything but the coin! Not bad about PCGS nothing but a beautiful writien post

    Wow I can’t believe your ignorance showed so well here!

    That’s what this endearing waste of time was about…

    You summarize what happened with your comments.

    Had no idea what happened. Took a drop of what I said and ran with it.


    U have no problem jumping all over I say one thing and someone runs with it…

    I don’t know what happened, but your there with your pitch fork.

    That’s the entire problem that 4:10 am post.

    I would have loved too, instead it got deleted… so now you understand the facts… frustrating.:.. thanks! Didn’t think of that..,.

    Oh I can’t….

  • TurtleCatTurtleCat Posts: 4,628 ✭✭✭✭✭

    You know, there are other forums than this one you can post to with your proof. There are also free blogging sites you can use to write your proof. You can easily do all of it without relying on PCGS and just link to it. Anyway, hope you're enjoying your Christmas postings :)

  • Jzyskowski1Jzyskowski1 Posts: 6,650 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 24, 2021 5:06AM

    My friend. The things I have spent 3hours on is a very long list. Get over it. If you feel 3 hours is a lot of time get a physical job. If you’re ignoring your family then don’t. Right or wrong an immature rant of great lost discovery and subsequent family suffering breaks my heart.
    It’s a dang nit pic about a nickel? My family is way more important to me than to use them as an excuse for the abuse you’re suffering ( over a nickel?).
    I sure hope your abused family has a wonderful holiday and gosh I hope this life crushing event resolves itself and you show us how a proper lesson in so right you’re wrong , is conducted 🤨🙀

    🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶

  • I have pictures proof of the proofs! I can’t post pictures and the beautiful written post I had explaining all of it was judge, and taken down without anything else said to me. I got frustrated rightfully so… and the quote about PCGS was taken way out of context, I believe they are a Good company and I have many friends at their headquarters. They didn’t have information that would allow them to have known it was a proof. For that I’m sorry, it was something I heard a coin dealer say. I have never seen that.

    The point is I have found the missing proofs! This is huge, I’d like to post a picture or speak to someone about it.

    Getting them graded and share with the community is my goal. If my post wasn’t deleted, I’m sure you would understand.

    That’s what this was about. I don’t have an issue with anything or any one, I thought that people would be interested and excited.

    Not deleting my post and the telling to put proof when I can’t post pictures. It’s frustrating.

    But I didn’t write a book or anything like that this is the first post I have ever done on coins. I haven’t had people be so rude. And I had expected to be welcomed not called names and told I’m someone.

    A comment was made by me and I will own it, but it was made about of haste and not with any proof.

    If you have my post you would understand, and can see what transpired. I lost my temper, but I don’t think PCGS is a bad company, nor would I waste my time writing a book about them.

    I’m humbled, by my quick to temper. This was supposed to a beautiful day sharing this

  • MFeldMFeld Posts: 14,013 ✭✭✭✭✭

    In the time you’ve spent writing your numerous posts, you could have been presenting a good part of your “information”. And if PCGS already determined that the coins you submitted were business strikes, as opposed to Proofs, posting pictures of the coins isn’t likely to sway many, if any forum members. On the other hand, if people see the pictures and agree with PCGS, you’ll probably still be convinced that you’re right and that everyone else is wrong.

    Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.

  • Downtown1974Downtown1974 Posts: 6,876 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Prooflincolndie2 said:
    Downtown??? Really well put.

    That’s why all this happened because i can’t post the proof..,. But if you read my beautiful written post before it was deleted..

    It wasn’t about anything but the coin! Not bad about PCGS nothing but a beautiful writien post

    Wow I can’t believe your ignorance showed so well here!

    I was just asking if you could post a picture to this thread to see if you had to wait for approval. Pretty typical of new members to have a 48 hour grace period for some content to be approved.
    Well your attitude is too volatile for my liking. Good luck with your book.

  • Jzyskowski1Jzyskowski1 Posts: 6,650 ✭✭✭✭✭

    So you sacrifice your family. This is bigger than big. What exactly are you missing. Did you think you would get an award. A million dollars in royalties at your life changing discovery. Front page news. Please be kind to your family and maybe consider how they might feel if they ever saw what is important to you. You skipped my other post. Like everything I said was nothing to consider.

    🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶

  • jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 35,292 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @MFeld said:

    @JBK said:

    @MFeld said:
    There’s plenty of easily accessible information which shows PCGS doesn’t own CAC. Your statement that it does, indicates that your research and fact-finding skills might be lacking.

    Might be lacking? :D

    That's very generous of you. ;)

    I was trying to be generous.😉

    Tis the season.

    Happy holidays.

  • jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 35,292 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @MFeld said:
    In the time you’ve spent writing your numerous posts, you could have been presenting a good part of your “information”. And if PCGS already determined that the coins you submitted were business strikes, as opposed to Proofs, posting pictures of the coins isn’t likely to sway many, if any forum members. On the other hand, if people see the pictures and agree with PCGS, you’ll probably still be convinced that you’re right and that everyone else is wrong.

    I swear we had this same diatribe a couple of years ago.

    I saw at least some of the deleted thread. It was neither beautifully written nor terribly compelling. It's all about a single alleged die marker.

This discussion has been closed.