Possible glitches on the forum?

The web designer seems to have added a number of unnecessary steps.
I have noticed when you read a thread and try to go back to point on the list of threads where you left off, the system resets itself and sends you back to the top of the list so you have to start all over. Not that big of a deal when you are in the top 5-10 threads, but super annoying when you are 2/3rds of the way down the list and have to scroll down to find where you left off.
It does seem if you keep your hands off the keyboard completely and give it an extra 10 seconds, the system will go to the top, then take you back to the spot where you left off, but why the additional unnecessary steps? Plus, if you accidentally touch a key, then the process is halted and you are only going to the top of the list. Very odd, and interferes with the normal flow of reading and enjoying the forum.
Also, what is up with the website making you acknowledge that you are leaving the forum when you click on a hyperlink? Isn't that fact obvious? Why not just have the system open a separate page and send you to the hyperlink like happens on just about every other website in existence.
/rant off
I believe the computer people are working on the software. I have seen what you noted, and a couple of other issues over the last month or so. Likely it will all resolve and the site will be much better when they are done. Cheers, RickO
That’s great news! Thanks. 😊
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@csdot This isn’t common practice in app/web design. When the webpage is rerendered, 99% of the time it will be at the top of the page. A solution for you: typicaly most browsers will have hyperlinks that you click on change color, that way you know what you’ve already clicked on. Some browsers like Safari, Chrome, Firefox have this defaulted.
And the warning that you are leaving PCGS is common for forums, so forum members are aware that the content is not PCGS and to prevent scams