US Commemorative Coins Never Seem to Sell Out But…….
Although the US Commemorative coins never seem to be hot sellers could it be different for the 2022 Negro Leagues Baseball P Silver Dollar with Privy Mark? Most Commemorative silver dollars seem to have a mintage of 400,000. This privy marked silver dollar has a mintage of a measly 20,000. Seems like it could be a sleeper for one of the hot coins of 2022.
Looks as if that one will likely cause the Mint site to crash.....Cheers, RickO
No thanks. It's doubtful I would get through before it sells out anyway.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Look at the fall schedule. More baseball coins with color and different mints. $1W uncirculated silver. The colorized is 25,000.
I shall say that these are not ase’s. Basketball coins 20-35,000 all that sold. They have never caught on. 😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I don’t speak for everybody but I would rate colorized silver dollars below privy marks as far as collectibility. Doesn’t look good.
Many gold commemorative issues have had far less than 10,000, even down near 5,000 minted and the price has never commanded much of a premium. Last mint coin I purchased direct was the 2016 National Parks Unc. which ended up with only 5150 minted. Premiums today are not worth mentioning on that issue. Commemorative coins don't get much respect.
I think the Boys Town gold unc was the lowest mintage... didn't it end up under 2,000?
It was 2947 for the MS version which is still a low mintage.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Yeah it was under 3000, the National Parks issue did me in on mint issues and moderns in general. I'll never purchase any more unless they are offered to me at melt prices. Every coin gets saved and/or slabbed. I'll leave moderns to those of you here that know how to work them for a profit. I end up being a bag holder on them... at least I didn't get dinged (under $400) on the National Parks because the run-up in gold.
I have heard from several dealers that quite a few modern commemorative five dollar gold coins gets sent to the melters. They aren’t all surviving
20,000 is still quite a bit. I can’t say I like it. It reminds me of the abuse of the commemorative programs from the original classic series with the Alabama 2x2 and Grant with Star
But silver...
It looks like the Jackie Robinson medal will be on the same blank as the Morgan/Peace releases
"It looks like the Jackie Robinson medal will be on the same blank as the Morgan/Peace releases"
Does that make them part of the Morgan dollar series?
You mean the new series but the old series, right? After all, people were excluding them from the old series based on the composition change.
Not sure how the mint has the authority to strike a congressional gold medal in silver. I would like the have the J Robinson medal from that set though.
The mint has wide discretion legally regarding medals
He’s saying that’s for gold commemoratives. But silver ones aren’t that low.
The dollar is the same size as the medal. 38.10. But look closely at the silver weight? .001 ? Huh😳

The Morgan’s and peace dollar is the same as is the Purple Heart. Only.001 lighter
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I'll say that I've seen quite a few commemoratives sell out, including the 2021 Morgan & Peace dollars, the 2001 Buffalo dollar, and the ones in your avatar
I don’t know if all those are considered commemoratives. I’m thinking more like the baseball, basketball, law enforcement coins.
The 2021 Law Enforcement UNC Gold coin is showing unavailable this week (though the Proof is still available). The total is 1,878, which is much lower than any others, I believe?
Commemoratives 21CB 2021 NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT MUSEUM GOLD UNC 1878 12/19/2021
Yeah silver commemorative coins are a dime a dozen. Local B&M has cases filled with silver ones that have sat there a long time.. Guess my point was commemorative issues with minimal mintages can't muster a premium.
A silver at under 5,000 probably would
This is what mintage of 12,000 will bring. I wouldn't spend the profits from any silver commemorative yet.
12,000 is 2.4 times greater than 5,000.
Believe me, I'm the biggest skeptic of modern Mint products. But I don't think there are any modern commems with mintages under 5,000. You only need 5,001 collectors of silver commems for that to sustain the price. Most commems sell in the 40,000 range.
By the way, the mintage of the proof dollar is 31,664. The mintage of the UNC dollar is 12,256
Boys Town unc $5 gold 2947
American Legion unc $5 gold 2929
The 2021 Morgan and Peace dollars aren't technically commemoratives and aren't officially sold out (yet). The 75th anniversary eagles are even more so not commemoratives (both being regular eagles with a privy mark). I think the Negro League commemorative dollar with the privy mark will be a popular much as the buffalo commemorative (with a much higher mintage) was and will sell out quickly. The other 380,000 maybe not so much.
I'll sell my colorized State quarters and colorized ATB quarters to raise the funds for one of the new colorized dollars. No, I will not be selling my gold and platinum plated treasures. One has to draw the line.
Boys Town Unc $5 Gold 2947 Per Cumulative Sales Figures from the mint for 1/29/2018
American Legion Unc $5 gold 2872 Per Cumulative Sales Figures from the mint for 1/26/2020
NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT Unc $5 GOLD 1777 Per Cumulative Sales Figures from the mint for 12/26/2021
Wow that is by a considerable margin. I think that is lower than all of the spouse coins also. Dang I was going to pull the trigger a couple of weeks ago and didn't.