NFL on Saturday?

in Sports Talk
I didn't realize these games are being played on Saturday instead of Sunday.
I didn't realize these games are being played on Saturday instead of Sunday.
I love love love Saturday football. I wait all year for this
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Every December NFL Saturday!!!
Love it!
Agree, I just hope they never make it a weekly thing. They have talked about it, but the NFL depends on college football as an unpaid developmental league/feeder system. So there is too much conflict of interest. But if we give them too many bright ideas (like by starting threads here at sports talk about it, j/k DoubleD) they just might go ahead and do it. And in all seriousness, they have already watered it down too much with Thursday night. Some might have thought the same about Sunday night. And a 17th game (or a 16th, or a 14th as in the past).
I don't have NFL Network, so I'm pretty much screwed. I'll have to find a way around this, there must be a way. 🤔
Now if they can play a game on Friday night also all would be well....................
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Long, long ago.....the American Football League, now the AFC, played their games on Saturday. The National Football League, now the NFC, played on Sunday. I think I'm right? But....back then there was no Monday or Thursday night football.
Quiz.....don't look it up on google......What teams played the first Monday night football game?
I would definitely not want it to interfere with College under any circumstances
I love love love Saturday football.
I attended my first Saturday Night Football Game in 1965 at Cleveland Municipal Stadium. that was the regularly scheduled day for the annual battle between the Browns and Steelers.
the way the NFL is today violates pretty much all of my personal Football schedule rules:
Friday Night: High School.
Saturday all day: College.
Sunday all day: NFL.
MNF was OK, but TNF is a bit too much and pretty unfair to the players.
Browns - Jets? I am pretty sure on the Browns.
You have it right. I'm young enough to not remember a time without MNF. But I love NFL football enough to understand the disruption it caused and the reasons why it is both revered and sometimes looked at as the first step towards what we have now. I'm also old enough to understand the cheapening done to the product by introducing Sunday night and Thursday night football. Sunday night cheapened MNF, itself which had already cheapened Sunday day football. Thursday night football cheapened the entire product of the NFL. As did adding the 17th game. And yes I know they added games in the past. And so you know, they added the 17th game, with all of its mathematical ugliness, knowing that their fan base will someday (sooner rather than later) be sold on an 18 game under many fake guises, one of which will be how it just makes the math so much easier and no longer forces the imbalance of home and road games on alternating years.
I love NFL football so much i wish it were on every day of the week.
I have never been a big fan of college ball. I keep track of it, but I really don't watch much.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Read my post above yours, and tell me if you think the product would still be the one you love if it was on everyday.
I do. if college football suddenly ceased to exist, they would probably just make a big minor league. baseball does not rely on college for their prospects. we would still have fantastic players, they would just play for a developmental team in Springfield Mass instead of the big house.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Perhaps I can go to mother's home and watch the games, yes, mother's home, I can always count on..........mother.
I look at it differently. I don't see it as cheapening the game at all, but expanding it. the other sports leagues play every day and the difference is that the NFL has such a short season in comparison. until they increase the NFL schedule to 60 or 70 games a season, it wouldn't be "cheapened" even to the level of the NBA.
the only reason I didn't like the 17th game is because of the records that will get broken. i will adapt and probably like it. same with an 18th, 19th or 20th game.
further expansion would cheapen the product for awhile as well, but playing football 7 days a week would be right up my alley!! I certainly don't tire of watching the Sox everyday
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I probabably love the NFL as much as you do, and I might have said the same things in the past. But when I really started thinking about the Thursday night games, I changed my mind. The Thursday night games force teams to change everything about how they prepare. And subsequently the product is always poorer.
Also, eventually the product on the field would be very much diminished so as to ruin your experience.
The NFL has had these Saturday games in mid December for many years. It comes after the college season ends, before the bowl games.
These are fine, once a year, mixes things up, a nice treat. I guess w also have Saturday playoffs too.
I think you are the winner!......I was so excited to watch it....Because of "Broadway Joe."...... So long ago, but I do think it was the Browns/Jets. Now you guys can look it up.
I don't remember that. I'm sure you are right, Bill. I just don't remember.
I only watch the Patriots and the Buks games and do not have the NFL pkg so if they are not on I watch no football. I have never watched a college game in my life. The same goes for baseball as I only watch the Red Sox even though I have the MLB package.
I watched the Browns defeat the Jets on the original MNF.
In your opinion or remembrance, do you feel that the effect of Monday Night Football was seen as or discussed as watering down the product? Or being a negative change? I had Monday night football all of my life. I can honestly say that the adding of the nighttime Sunday game sort of diminished the product. And that the Thursday night games definitely did. The Thursday games are clearly compromised. Teams admittedly do not enough prepare the same ways as usual.
I don't recall anyone complaining it being too much football except for my wife. It seemed to be an event much anticipated all week long.
As it was so different from the norm, I am not surprised that no one complained. And because it was different, it maintained it's sense of being special for a very long time. I never knew a life without it, but I have long been a fan of the NFL. I am 45. Until I was around 30, the NFL had the two slots on Sunday, and the one Monday night. I feel as though adding the Sunday night game diminished how special the Monday night game was. I know that I am not alone in this opinion. And the Thursday night game,which I believe came along the same year as the Sunday night game, did even more damage. The players and coaches are well on the record discussing the impact this has had on that weeks preparation and performance.
I love NFL football so much i wish it were on every day of the week.
it is on every day, but most people are too cheap and too impatient to understand how. here's what you do:
--- pony up and get the best "NFL TV" package available, the one that offers every game at any time.
--- discipline yourself to not watch the pre/post game shows at any time.
--- tape a piece of paper across the bottom 2-3 inches of the screen so you can't see the constant distracting scores and stats of other games in progress.
--- now, just watch game after game after game until you get bored or your wife kills you.
baseball does not rely on college for their prospects. we would still have fantastic players, they would just play for a developmental team in Springfield Mass instead of the big house.
this is a dubious comment at best and just flat untrue at worst. even the best MLB players end up in the Minors for 2-5 years and in the end only around 10% of all players drafted even make it to the Big Leagues. the skill set required for baseball is just much more difficult to perfect than the other sports. if NCAA participation was removed you'd have either a much worse crop of MLB players or guys in the minors for 10 years before they'd make it up to the Majors. that would be ridiculous.
the other sports leagues play every day
this sounds like the question I asked my Dad when I was like 10. his answer was the same as what I understand today, that the game is so physical nobody would be left standing after the first week, the game is si technical that the games would be ridiculously impossible to watch and enjoy. think I'm wrong?? go look at any Team injury report on Monday morning and then imagine what it would look like on consecutive days.
In your opinion or remembrance, do you feel that the effect of Monday Night Football was seen as or discussed as watering down the product?
I was at that first MNF game, the highlight was Homer Jones running back the 2nd half kick-off for a TD. I can say that it was exciting to anticipate the game in our house!! it was a pretty big deal in the Sports world at the time because it was such a novel concept, NFL games on any day but Sunday. it was way, way more flashy than anything at the time with the music, production and TV personalities involved and all the hype beforehand.
we arrived at the game early as usual, probably a little before eight o'clock, and we walked around the outside of the stadium in amazement with how many trailers full of equipment, more than usual. there was "buzz" about because the rest of the World was watching. inside, the stadium was dressed up more than usual and there were more cameras.
I did not mean that every team should play every day. that's crazy. I meant I personally would like it if there were A-game every day. I am sure there is some schedule genius out there that could figure out a way. possibly by adding in another bye week or two for each team to mitigate too many short weeks for teams.
I stand by that if there were no more college baseball this spring, the same prospects will still end up in MLB. they would go directly from high school to the minors.
Many of those guys have no desire to be in college anyway. that also holds true for college football and basketball. I would dare say most of the top prospects in the major sports are only using college as a stepping stone to get to the Pros anyways.
I think that College actually holds back players athletic development. They would be better players faster if they did not have to worry about classes and NCAA rules for offseason workouts and could focus soley on their profession.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I am sure there is some schedule genius out there
my thoughts on scheduling pertaining to TNF are simple, though maybe not genius --- Teams playing in that game, such as todays participants, should have had last Sunday as a "bye" week to assure proper rest for the players and game preparation by the coaching staff. that would assure that no Team plays in more than one game, maybe not what the NFL wants but equality is a good thing.
The teams each only play one Thursday game as it is, other than than teams like the Cowboys who play on Thanksgiving then the next Thursday always. I don't think there is a way to use your bye idea, because they start the Thursday games too early in the year and go too late with them. They would have to have less Thursday night games to do it.
Interesting idea. In theory, it could lead one to a unique way of living if done correctly. You would have to shut out all news and media distractions so as to not know outcomes. Unfortunately, you would also have to to go to extremes to avoid outside information. "No Sports Talk Forum for you!" " No NFL weekly picks game for you!" Etc. And try to avoid highlights shown within the game you are watching. But if you do it correctly, and with discipline, you could do one of two things and really get your enjoyment. You could spread out the games so as to basically have something new to watch everyday. Or, and this would be the better choice I believe, you would still keep up with things weekly, so as to go into each weekend knowing standings, etc. You would just watch multiple games per day all week leading up to the weekend. It would have to be fleshed out a bit for efficacy. You would still have the offseason this way. But that is okay. And you'll know when to stop and go back to the normal way of watching, if you are either bored, or you are dead (because your wife killed you, like @keets said).
Edited to add @craig44 because I had deleted him up top
second edit to add: or, if you don't mind already knowing the outcome, just do what @2dueces does and go back and watch every single game in the off season