Do you ever make offers on BIN-only items on eBay?
I'm used to buying fixed-price items on eBay two ways: BIN if that's it, or offer a bit of a discount if the option is available. I came across an item today that's fixed price only, but it's been listed for half a year, which makes me wonder if the seller is really stubborn waiting for that price, or if I should throw out an unsolicited offer and see what happens.
I suppose a side question based on your reply is whether you'd also make an offer if the item just came up. Assume the price may be on the higher side but isn't outrageous.
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I do it all the time in the ask question section of the listing.
It works 17.6 percent of the time.
I have absolutely sent sellers offers through the eBay system, usually I will ask them to enable the option to make an offer rather than ending the auction outright. If I know the coin has been listed for a while, I will absolutely mention that in my note to the seller.
Sean Reynolds
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
I always make a case for my number
It could just be an item looking for the right buyer. Some people are not desperate to sell.
I do it. 50/50 chance.
I will send an offer and I review all offers on items I am selling even if the offer option is not on the listing.
I will never change an auction to a BIN at a lower number. You're asking me to undermine the auction.
It’s not an auction, it’s a BIN
Quite often I do. Sometimes they are willing to budge and other times not.
I've done it a few times. I normally get an acceptance or a counteroffer or a lecture on how expensive it is to sell on eBay.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Does that mean either it works or it doesn't? That doesn't make it a 50/50 chance 🤪
I think is means it works half the time.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Ah, half of one, six dozen of the other...
I do often enough. And if OBO is not on the BIN lot, I will contact the seller letting them know of my interest and what my top offer would be. Never want the seller to be in a losing position, since I am far too often myself, and I make that clear. Never hard feelings.
I contact the seller and explain my situation. I am respectful, pleasant and understanding. I don’t resell so I can honestly talk about why I want this item and how it will become part of a legacy collection ( one that is handed down through the generations until no one wants it and then it goes to local museum or such). Sometimes we agree or I have put a deposit until the first (so to speak). Usually we have a nice conversation and sometimes things just don’t work out. I have also been able to put together a little combo sale. Get the one I want and add a cool new one as well. JZ
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I've done it once in a while and have had them accepted about 50% of the time. Some times we bargain.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Any idiot can pay full price ....... I prefer not to.
And if the "list price" is a bargain, the smart money buys it at that price. I've had people submit offers and had the item sell for "full price" while they were waiting.
Never purchased anything without making an attempt at a lower price.
It means the exact same thing that relicsncoins posted above.
And if the "list price" is a bargain, the smart money buys it at that price. I've had people submit offers and had the item sell for "full price" while they were waiting.
If the list price is a bargain, that's not what I'm talking about.
Does that include shaking the hell out of vending machines? 😉
Yes I have.
Yes what is the worst that can happen they say no or you need to bid or pay what I want.
Hoard the keys.
Sometimes I will pay bin if I think it's a decent price just so I don’t have to go thru the bidding war. I've also made offers on bins and as long as I'm not low balling the seller, I usually have good success saving a couple dollars.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
I guess I just assume that if they were interested in entertaining offers they would have enabled that functionality. Has anyone (here) been blocked for making an unsolicited offer?
I have blocked people for making ridiculously low offers. I've never blocked anyone for making a reasonable offer.
I will also say that if you counter my offer, I will retract my offer and not entertain any more. I'm not going to waste time playing that game. My counter is my best offer and not negotiable further.
Of course.
I will never take the time to block, just let it expire.
I’ve had decent luck making offers, when that option is available. I try to be reasonable, and make a fair offer. I don’t lowball people…don’t want to waste everyone’s time.
Sorry I should have said listing, not auction, as I would only make such a request for a fixed price item.
Sean Reynolds
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
Do it all the time for items I feel are priced a little high for me. If it is a fair price asked, I do not. Usually, they are priced high. Have a better than 50% success rate. I don't bother if their is less than 12 or so hours left, but even then if it closes without sale, I offer again if interested.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Some time back, I listed a small group of old padlocks (with keys) via buy it now for something like $15. Someone messaged me and asked if I would accept his offer of $7.50. He said he was retired and on a fixed income. I believed him. I accepted his offer with a smirk.
Matt Snebold
Yes, some times it goes some times it doesn't
I just ignore lowball ridiculous offers. They may have wasted their time but they're not going to waste mine.
I always found that a well placed kick was more effective 😂🙀
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I know how you feel. I see grossly overpriced coins with the OBO option. I'm not going to waste my time making an offer to these clueless sellers.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I have made offers on BIN items.... Not lowball, just what I consider reasonable. Looking at my records, I have a 68% success rate.... Not a lot of buying though... low double digits. Cheers, RickO
I have haggled back and forth, and i have been able to get a few coins from making an offer. I picked this up with the best offer of $280 (before taxes and shipping fees). I think it was originally listed for closer to $400 which was a little high considering it is not even AU, but that did not discourage me for trying to be reasonable.
Positive BST as a seller: Namvet69, Lordmarcovan, Bigjpst, Soldi, mustanggt, CoinHoader, moursund, SufinxHi, al410, JWP
I play very fair and offer a negotiable price that is a win-win for both of us.
Have won most of it that way and have lost some because of the rigidity of seller, but no remorse whatsoever because a better exampe would be waiting for me around the corner.
eBay is a lot like a flea market. Ask about what you want. Maybe make a deal. Move on. Ever notice people complaining about haggling at a flea market? Not really. Just a little thought moving through brain 😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Any idiot can have a coin they want badly sold out from under them while they try to negotiate a better price. I've lost some really nice coins that way.
Interesting thread... I've thought about sending an offer, but I've never done it. More recently, I've been looking at coins... a lot of which are seemingly overpriced, but I'll put them on my "Watch List" just to see if there are any takers... 3-4 times in the past week, the seller has come back with "... because you've shown interest in this item, you get a discount of X%"... I took one of the sellers up on their offer, but mostly the discounted price is still a tad high...
Successful BST transactions with: SilverEagles92; Ahrensdad; Smitty; GregHansen; Lablade; Mercury10c; copperflopper; whatsup; KISHU1; scrapman1077, crispy, canadanz, smallchange, robkool, Mission16, ranshdow, ibzman350, Fallguy, Collectorcoins, SurfinxHI, jwitten, Walkerguy21D, dsessom.
What is reasonable price? Let’s say a rare or scarce coin that the seller bought for 10k. Now he listed for 20k. Is his price too high? Very hard to say because it might go to 30k or more in 5 years in auction if he don’t list it now. I believe only those coins that you can easily find on eBay or auction has a fair price.
If you think the seller asked for too much then just move on. Why bother to make offer
A seller has a coin listed for 18k that was sold for 7k in auction couple years ago. I offered 12k he did not agree so I just moved on. He has the right to ask for what he want. It is a free market. He might be able to sell for his price who knows.
Many times I watch an item the seller gives me an offer, and I counter, and we reach a price. Seems like part of the game. For me, it's saving e.g $2 on a $20 coin, or maybe $7 on a $90 coin or whatever.
I've actually had a seller make a new listing for me simply by asking. I bought a coin from him. Fast forward 6 months and I needed another one. Messaged him through eBay, asking if he had any more of the particular coin, as there were none listed at the time, and the price I was willing to pay. Got a reply 15 minutes later with a link to a new listing at my price point.
I've used make an offer with mixed results on EBay. I'd rather bst here. Peace Roy
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
BST here is great for certain "mid-to-upper" scale items. Mostly out of my league.