Big influx of Noobs

I have noticed a huge influx of noob coin collectors on these forums. Many posting pocket change. Or, posting once and never returning. I do not remember ever seeing this many new forum members appearing in such a short period of time. Has anybody else noticed this?
Oops, I've been had.
Yes I have and it’s nice to finally not be the newest
I think that is how some people entertain themselves. I would guess some create different email addresses and build new accounts to play a game. I often laugh when I see how many replies the post can obtain with the OP never coming back to post. I’m sure they visit to see what they created.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
We’ve had a lot of trolls too
Not sure about you guys but I’m thrilled to see good young people entering the hobby. It’s the way it should be too. A new generation of coin lovers 😊
I like the new guys, but not the flipper seagulls that flew over the forum doing what seagulls do. Thanks mint for throwing popcorn on the boardwalk and bringing them in.
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
I’m getting a lot more spam email. I do like the young Russian women who want to marry me. I can feel the sincerity.
Are their parents paying for the wedding? What about a dowry? 🤔
I want one ...
Speaking of pocket change, I almost spent a 44-P war nickel in the vending machine at work Friday night. I kept it after giving it a closer look.
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
well many think Big money can be made in coins as they see these huge coin collections going for millions but what they don't understand is that those collections were put together over time
and they think that what they find is worth big $$$$ also
Well we need new blood just don’t like when they come on and know what they have but ask what it is and it’s not, Is that right. Lol
Hoard the keys.
Yep...many newbies asking values of ordinary change, made me look closer at my pocket change and I've noticed lots of double struck coins!!! I was ready to post those, but then realized it's just my vision that's going.
Thank goodness for the new folks. Heck, if 30-40 percent return, we’re doing good. And if we can get half of the returns interested that’s a win !
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Wanted: Noobs lookin' for newps. Preferably beaned.
That ought to confuse 'em.
A coin club member has a son up in Boston whose son wanted to marry a Russian immigrant; sat down with her and the father, asking for a pre-nup due to the son being well off with a condo in father's name; they walked out. Second serious potential wife, Russian immigrant woman generated suspicion again with father; he had a PI put a tracking device on her car which was quite revealing as the son wondered why she only had a couple evenings she was free for dinner. You have to ask why guys want exotic mates.....
There may be a lot of interest with some new hobbyists but most don't have much money.
I'm a member of different hobby forums. It's not uncommon for a non collector to find something that was found or handed down to them that they know nothing about and just want info on that 1 or 2 items. Once they get their answer, they go on about their daily lives.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
I have one! They are quite expensive. 17+ years in bondage here now!
Bring 'em along.
Educate and inform.
The greatest numismatists were all originally noobs.
As soon as they find out:
They are gone.
They disappear just as fast as they appear.
Yeah, noobody starts nooing anything...
Strange... We see lots of complaints about the hobby dying and no young blood.... Then when a lot of 'new' people appear, there are complaints about them.... Confusing. I just collect coins... and things. Cheers, RickO
Of course the complaints are not the new people. The complaints are about the attitude / content. "I found this coin thing and I think it might be worth a lot of money. How much is it worth?". That does not sound like a collector so much as an opportunist.
@moursund... We likely ALL sounded like that at one time. Cheers, RickO
It's easy to join and ask a question about parking lot finds. That means there will be lots of people doing that. Of course, it's also easy to join and ask about legitimate inheritances, which means we'll get these once in a while. If both are treated in a civil manner, there may be some that stick around and learn more about the hobby, and these are the ones we're looking for long-term. It would be a shame to lose them because of their bad first impression of us.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
When they show up only around tough to obtain mint releases and brag about how they get around the HHL…instant ignore
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
Thank you for my hard laugh of the day😂
I have been the moderator for a few forums since the late nineties and always tend to quietly stay in the woodwork initially to read up for quite a while before taking the plunge (registering and dipping my toes in the forum activity).
Erring on the side of caution has always been second nature and tend to play with my cards very close to my chest.
One recurring theme that I have found out is regardless of what type of forum, many folks like to take up n00b bashing as some sort of an initiation. My mantra at those times is "don't get mad, get even" and give it back in spades.
Maybe someone needs to be appointed to post "Fresh Meat" on their first threads and that would take care of the need for that.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
ne more careful...
What would you do if you found/inherited something that you thought might be of value but that you have no interest in yourself?
google it...
Edited to add: We want to help people to understand what makes coins valuable, and we hope that some people will join the hobby and become forum members. the "drive by" posts, parking lot coin with PMD, how much is it worth, that sort of thing, are understandable, but don't add much to the forum. I wonder how often one of those "drive bys" becomes a collector. Ever?
You're going to google something as subjective as the value of an unslabbed coin? I have no issues with the types of poster that you mention. It's the ones that fight back and say "you're wrong" when 15 people tell them their coin is worth face value. As for the drive by posters? It's the internet. C'est la vie.
Google is precisely how I found this place. After watching enough YT videos I began searching the web. You might be surprised at how quickly something you type here is found on Google.
Edit for Moursund: I was driving by