Current silver prices???

Anyone sold ASEs recently or 90%? I see some auctions coming up that Id really like to bid on. Silver is in a good position right now for me to do it.
Anyone sold ASEs recently or 90%? I see some auctions coming up that Id really like to bid on. Silver is in a good position right now for me to do it.
Graded ase or singles/rolls/boxes?
Singles that are raw.
Premiums on physical are still kinda nasty.....
Silver on Kitco is $22.41.... ASE's are holding higher premiums... will take more of a dip. Sellers believe melt will go up significantly in the next year. Cheers, RickO
ASEs are carrying the highest premium they ever have. The physical silver market knows that the bullion bank controlled spot price is unrealistic and the disconnect between spot prices and physical prices grows. A single ASE from APMEX currently carries a 44.2% premium plus shipping. Best ASE deals are likely on ebay.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
The physical silver market knows that the bullion bank controlled spot price is unrealistic and the disconnect between spot prices and physical prices grows.
What? The emperor doesn't seem to be wearing any clothes!!!!!! Yikes, it's not pretty.
I knew it would happen.
IMO ASE's premiums are not worth it. Would rather buy Maples or Britannia's. Just as liquid/easy to sell, get back more of your cost basis.
I feel silver is still a good bet. I’m staying with it and still hoarding.