Thoughts on moving my Dansco 7070 set to an Intercept Album

I'm primarily a reasonably advanced and focussed national banknote collector but with fewer buying opportunities during the last couple of years have been working to complete/upgrade my Dansco 7070 type set. The original set which had been started when I was in college and then neglected for several decades is now complete, altho there are a couple of upgrades I'd like to make. At some point I had bought a second album for my "left overs" and a few better/more interesting coins so it's also within a dozen or so coins for completion. While I really like the older Dansco product, I'm thinking about consolidating both books into an Intercept album which is more up to date with several coins not represented in Dansco. This would produce one nice - albeit mostly high grade circulated - set and a second one in lower grade either for swapping or starting a new collection (e.g. I'm partial to a couple of dates such as 1825, 1840 and 1876 and have coins which could be the basis for individual "year sets.")
I'm not familiar with Intercept and would appreciate anyone's thoughts about them and any experience that you've had to date. I think I recall that one of the large cent holes is mis-sized and I'd appreciate verification and any thoughts on how you've dealt with that or any other "gotchas" in the album.
Thanks for your thoughts and ideas!
Not familiar with the intercept type album, but I did own the Peace dollar album for a number of years, and the coins did not tone in there, like they did in the Dansco.
I have the Lincoln and Indian cent intercept albums. The Lincoln one is complete and very sturdy. They utilize plastic slides on the obverse and reverse to protect and view both sides of the coins easily.
Pretty good albums imo. The red Lincolns haven't changed color and they have been in there for 8+ years.
Mrs_Spud has a set of blast white high grade, mostly full band, Roosevelt’s in an Intercept Shield album. She purchased it in 2006 or so from a collector who had recently finished it. I looked at it recently and the coins are starting to tone, so the intercept protection doesn’t last forever. But the album itself is still in great condition.
Intercept shield products work because they have a reactive material in them. Over time, it is used up and the Intercept Shield protection is no more. I believe the manufacturer says 10 years and you have to change the binder. so an intercept shield album from 2006 would be long past its stated life, and you should expect it to tone. The only way to stop it would be to change out the album every 10 years.
My new Littleton album has slide in viewing plastics. I think the big 3 all do. I researched all 3 and toning is given every opportunity to develop as these are not sealed storage systems. Intercept does speak to this but personally I feel they probably are not that much better than the others. Slabbing doesn’t guarantee “no toning “ so I don’t think the albums will be any better. Thanks JZ
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I have a set of slabbed silver coins in an Intercept shield box.... Have not looked at them in years, but since coins are in slabs and slabs in box, likely no tarnish. Will have to check them out... Stay tuned... Cheers, RickO
Thanks very much for all of the comments. Very informative and helpful.
From the comments, this looks like a reasonable way to proceed. FWIW, my original Dansco is 40+ years old. The IHC may have toned a bit, the proof Lincoln darkened also but is still mostly red and the silvers seem to have only a bit of edge toning. With improved materials, etc and given the comments here, I suspect that the Intercept album will do fine for my needs.
Again, thanks for taking the time to respond and have a great weekend.
What coins are in the Intercept album that are not in the 7070?
It may be more preservative, but you will MISS your Dansco.

The 2009 centennial set and current "shield" reverse Lincolns, the Jefferson 2006 to date and 2004/5 westward expansion nickels, a Sacagawea and example of the Presidential of "golden" dollars, and the gold page is more extensive (which will be pretty empty for a while given current gold spot).
A fair number of issues that are missing in Dansco, but frankly this is largely to rein myself in a bit. I tend to be a rather compulsive collector (nature and I abhor holes in my album) and do want to bring the set up to date, upgrading a few coins between national currency purchases for my primary interest. But what I found myself doing was building a second Dansco set which was not my intent so this seems to me a way to get back on track.
Probably right so I'll keep my original Dansco with the "leftovers" for at least a while.