Was the engraver having a bad day?

I think it would be fun to show off coins where the engraver was either slightly intoxicated or perhaps inept at his job. Here's one where the date looks like school children engraved it:
I think it would be fun to show off coins where the engraver was either slightly intoxicated or perhaps inept at his job. Here's one where the date looks like school children engraved it:
They forgot to tell the engraver it was Lady Liberty not Mister Liberty

How about a hand engraved “AW” designer’s initials?
Either the engraver was bent or their chisel was bent. Probably in a hurry and had to replace a number engraved in error. Again, Benjy Franklins Beer rule.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
The date on the coin in the OP looks as if it were done after a liquid lunch...
"Yep... looks good, let's have another drink." Cheers, RickO
At least the turkey on the back looks good...