1986 D penny wrong metal??

Hello yall I found this penny the other day and I just figured it was dirty after a few acetone baths and some light rubbing no color started to appear. I Figure it's somethin dumb but I gotta ask. the weight is 2.37g which isn't outta the ordinary so I'm stumped lol limited knowledge n all. Any explanation would b greatly appreciated thanks yall.
Without pics, an explanation is pointless. It could be many things (although the vast majority would be related to post mint damage). It's like calling up a mechanic and saying "my car is making a funny noise. What's causing it?" .
The most likely suspects are that the plating was removed after it left the mint or environmental damage.
Sorry bout that I have no idea why the pics didn't post with that question. Thanks for the food for thought
It does look like the plating has been removed.
Agree with @lcutler The plating was removed after it it left the mint. Could be intentional or environmental. It's possible for unplated planets be struck by the mint, but they need to be in high AU or UNC to be attributed. Once the zinc starts to corrode like yours, it's nearly impossible to determine the if it was an error (very few out there) or PMD (lots and lots out there). Probabilty heavily favors PMD.
Is the reverse the same color???
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I see the rims on it with the right color
I say it is environmentally damaged copper over zinc
Environmental damage as stated above by @MsMorrisine.
Kennedys are my quest...