1760 “Hibernia Voce Populi”

Hi, need information like weight and diameter to determine the type of coin. Please assist
The coin i have weight is 6.9gram and Diameter 26mm. Regards Francois
Hi, need information like weight and diameter to determine the type of coin. Please assist
The coin i have weight is 6.9gram and Diameter 26mm. Regards Francois
Welcome to the forum! Interesting question... Coin Facts doesn't appear to list a weight or diameter for this issue. It looks like planchets were fairly crude and inconsistent... hope this helps.
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@francoismouton15.... Welcome aboard... You might post this on the Ancient Coins forum for more responses. Cheers, RickO
Thank you very much for your comments. Appreciated
from QDB's colonial book,"Farthings measure about 21mm,halfpence 28 mm.Diameters are not consistent."