NFL expanding to 40 teams?

in Sports Talk
There are stories that the NFL is already discussing the possibility of expanding to 40 teams, which cities would you like to see get a team?

San Diego
St. Louis
Salt Lake City
Just stay the hell out of Texas, we got enough teams here already.
I apoligize to everyone, my avatar is feisty today.
32 is stretching it. 40 is insane.
I heard that England said they would take a couple of teams, the NFL has shown a lot of interest in England over the years. And what about Mexico, they're crazy down there, and they wear those big hats, sumbero's I think they're called.
DD, why no in-depth report on Rodgers covid toe?
40 teams would make it a lot tougher for teams to to consistently dominate, the player pool would be stretched out big time
Are you kidding, just the thought of that man's feet makes me gag.
It should also be noted, that Roger Goodell is a very disliked man, and is not welcome in many restaurants throughout the country.
Just give Mexico their team, they earned it. Viva los NFL!
He's watching, he's always watching, even when he isn't watching.
Portland, Oregon. Western Division. Oh, can you just image the rivalry...... Portland and Seattle!?!?. The Portland fans would make the Raider Nation look like sissies. Lots of potential there. Both teams could set up autonomous end zones ....defund the refs. The tail gate parties would be out of this world!.......Oh, well.
Just look at this schedule, and the NFL wants to become popular in England? It's a freaking garbage dump.
The joke used to be. Why can't Columbus have a professional football team?
Answer. Because then Cincinnati and Cleveland would want one too.
San Diego & San Antonio.
they can't expand
in fact, no sport can expend
they've run out of non-laughable team names, unless we start taking roller derby names.
I agree. San Diego got shafted. San Antonio is a BIG town. Football town.......but....Houston wouldn't like a team in San Antonio........Texans don't mind driving hundreds of miles to anything, especially if it's a football game. It's in their blood!
You nailed it......but......when $$$$ is involved,...... who cares?
Couple weeks ago, was talking about this exact topic (NFL expansion) with someone and they said something about Columbus getting a team. At that time, I was more than a little surprised to discover that Columbus has a population over 1.6 million. I had this image of it being a city of 200-300,000. Noooooope.
Maybe Portland. And Detroit since we don't have one.
I was thinking Calgary. I know hockey is king north of the border, but the Calgary Stampeders football team is wildly popular there with a solid fanbase and have been a very successful franchise for the past decade or so. I think this would be a good starting point if looking to spread the nfl across borders. No travel across 8 time zones to get there. No language barriers. And the possibility of some good old fashioned wintry snow games come November.
See Cleveland Guardians
No, you can always just just call it "blah blah blah sport Team."
I would like to see Washington get another team so that we have a true naming dilemna on our hands. They couldn't support another team but they can't support the one they have now either. 
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
or just merge with the CFL
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Waldow, Florida, the infamous speed trap that soaked up Yankee dollars for years.
Seriously? The league plays too many games already. Seventeen is more than enough.