New additions, Everyman Barber Quarters

Hi Folks,
I have been building an Everyman Barber Quarter set and a Barber Quarter CAC set. I have some new additions purchased in the last few weeks. They will go to CAC and we will see. I either look for color or good surfaces, most of the ones I buy unbeaned seem to get a bean. The biggest problem is online images, 90% are not good enough to judge surfaces. So here is the 5 new ones with my prediction of what will happen at CAC. I will send them in January.
I have an 1899 in P25 that did not bean so picked this up as an upgrade and if it beans even better. This one seems to have pretty good surfaces and a look that beans. For a 50 the luster is there under the light. If it was cleaned it resulted in no hairlines and there are nary any detracting hits on either side. Great coin and great images from the vendor that convinced me to buy. CAC has beaned 13 in AU but none at 50. I predict this one will sticker.
This 1902-O is an upgrade from a P30/CAC in dove grey with some russet tone along the rims. I like the color on this upgrade to P45. Strong luster for a 45, minor dings that do not detract, great surfaces. CAC has stickered 3 in 45, and only 40 total. I think this one will sticker.
I love the tone along the rims on this 1909-S in P45. In hand tho', it looks like the cleaning was a little too much to bean based on my 'old cleaning' no CAC's in the past. It also has 2 small scratches in the field near star 8 but I don't see that as an issue for the bean. This is my first 09-S and I like it bean or not. CAC has stickered only 28 of the 09-S, and 1 in 45, I don't think this one will be joining them because of the old cleaning.
I am trying to get barber quarters in 45-58 grades where possible. But this 1911-S in P35 is a 'wow, gotta have it' coin. It has a couple pin scratches on the reverse, but hardly noticeable. The surfaces are rich, russet-gray toning that changes to other colors in different areas. Lots of dirt around the devices, so probably not strongly cleaned in the past. Has a look that seems to get the sticker. Just a great coin even in the lesser grade than I am looking for. CAC has stickered a total of 53 11-S quarters, none in 35-50 and only 6 in 53-58. I think this is going to be a new addition to the 11-S CAC population and fill in a gap.
Along with the 99 and 11-S, this 1912 was from the same vendor who had a whole bunch of circulated grade barbers in all of the dates and mintmarks in new PCGS holders numbered sequentially. All of them largely had the same look but because of the excellent images, one could see which ones had the best surfaces. Likely the vendor had purchased a nearly complete set (key dates and others missing) either in the P holders or sent them in after purchase. Also the holders were pristine, had not been passed around where they would pick up hits that one has to remove with Meguiar's PlastX. Love it when I don't have to work on the holder. This 12 in P40 was another one I judged to be excellent from the images, and even tho' slightly lower grade than preferred, added it to the haul. Seeing it in hand, I am 50/50 on whether it will bean. It has the 'old cleaning' look in hand, and sometimes CAC stickers these, sometimes not. It does have dirt around the devices which will be a plus when they view it, so we will see. CAC has not stickered anything less than 53 in the 1912, likely because very few, if any sent in because of the low value. But hey when building a circulated barber quarter set in CAC, well, I send them all in...........
So I predict that 3 will sticker, 1 won't, and 1 is on the bubble. I am usually wrong but my success rate in Barber quarters has been around 80-90% where in other series much worse. So we will see. Updates when I get them back in January.
Best, SH
Love those...I think I had a Barber Half dollar that had similar toning to your 09-S. Love the 02-O as well.
Some tough dates there.
Nice pick ups
BHNC #203
Lovely! Mine are still in the album and waiting for the toning fairy to come by and bless me!
Great coins except for the 1909-S which is overgraded and has an annoying series of scratches in front of Liberty's nose.
Very nice group really like the 1902 O.
I'm not a CAC guy, but damn ... I love your posts. Great coins!
Nice examples. Looks like a fun set.
Nice coins! I like the 02-O especially.

Hey boi! That is one fine looking obverse toning. Subtle, classy, cool...
Very nice! Thanks for sharing. Good luck with your stickering process, keep us posted please. I think I bought a couple common dates from this same source a couple weeks ago.
Good looking additions... You are consistent, and the overall set will look really nice. Cheers, RickO