Looking for information - chick-fil-A bicentennial

Can anyone tell me what you know about this coin? My understanding is that they were handed out as gifts back in 1976 (half’s and quarters) but I heard recently that the coins provided to Chick-fil-A are actually from a specific die cast (? Whatever that means) and were meant to be different than a “business strike” coin but the information never got out and so most were opened and mixed in general population. This one in the pic was never opened:
I don’t know anything about them, but now I want some Chick-fil-A. And I already had it for lunch today 😂
Pretty sure that Chick-fil-A was not around in 1776. False advertising.
Absolutely normal coin in a holder with only one staple, which means that you could slide one coin out the side and replace it with another. A cute souvenir but nothing special.
No but it was around in 1976. A simple google search will confirm they handed these out.
You cannot get this coin out of the holder - but anyway that would be irrelevant if the coin were fundamentally distinguishable - because then it could be verified - that was the question
Wish I could find the article - was just hoping someone knew about it - no worries
I don't think it's a thing or it would be a thing.
I really can't answer your question, but maybe this guy could.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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I have a similar one for KFC, but it has an IKE in it.
To put it bluntly, you heard wrong.
They are generic JFK half dollars handed out as souvenirs. If you don't believe me, then simply link a credible source to prove me incorrect. Otherwise...
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Do you have a pic?
I have had a collection or two come in over the years that had the quarters in them, they appear to be the same as all the rest. As far as chick fil-a being open, they were in 1976 in shopping malls, incl the one here in 1976, I remember eating their several times as a young child.
I read that Chco fil-a was started in GA in1946.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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I meant to say it was started in 1976. Sorry, fat fingers.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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You can google images of 1976 Quarters and half dollars in 2x2's with the chik fil a stamp but no info of why they were in these or any special strike given. I presume they would have just been regular circulated coins or BU's from rolls.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
I was living in Portugal at that time....So my pocket had escudo's jingling together.
Did not even know about Chick-fil-a..... Cheers, RickO
Never been to a Chic Fil A in my life.
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If I told you once, I told you a thousand times.

" Buy the coin not the holder!"
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I just recently moved, so will need to find it, but I can do it once I do find it.
A dealer had one of these at a show I attended earlier this year, and I asked for a price, thinking if it was around $5.00 I'd buy it. He actually wanted $100 for it and I passed.
But...! Apparently founded in 1946!

I could only find 1946 , but could not find Cathy linked to the that restaurant. I did find where he opened a chick fil-a in Atlanta in 1976. Your better at researching than I.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
That story is false, starting with the term "die cast".
If, and that is a hypothetical "if", CFA had access to a special strike I think they'd package them a little differently.
If CFA and KFC handed out coins, I want to know what McDonald's did in 1976.
If I recall correctly, McDonalds was handing out commemorative glasses when you purchased a soda, that was adorned with painted on McDonalds characters (I.e. Ronald McDonald, Grimace, Hamburglar, the French Fry Gobblins, etc...) that were painted with lead paint!
Not exactly a shining moment in McDonalds History! I'm sure they would have preferred to have gone with the coin!
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I paid 8 dollars for mine - after this post starting to think I overpaid...!!
If you do get one make sure it only has one staple - otherwise the seal has been broken.
And for those that do not think a unique coin is possible in this case is not remembering the Cheerios Sacajawea dollars!!
No, we are remembering the Cheerios dollar.
That coin was issued in conjunction with the US Mint and they were struck early for Cheerios so they could be ready for the January 2000 promotion of the new dollar coin. It turns out that the early dies were not what the final design would look like.
There is nothing at all to suggest that the CFA coins were issued in the same manner. They are just normal coins that were put in the CFA 2x2.
I am quite familiar with the Cheerios Dollars. You can read about how I revealed them to the world here:
The difference is, there I was able to identify an actual design change. I have not yet seen any design difference on your coin mentioned and illustrated.
You are forgetting the 86,427 promotional giveaways done with coins bought in roll quantities gem the bank. You are also forgetting the 14,000 encased cents that were made with coins bought in roll quantities from the bank.
You are also forgetting the Cheerio cent which is in no way special.
The Cheerio dollar is special because it is an unusual occurrence not because it was a common occurrence.
Well shucks - you guys know how to spoil a dream!
So much for my hope for someone finding an extra tail feather or something unique to these coins ... (well maybe not a tail feather but you get the idea).
Can’t a collector dream a little bit? Geeze... harsh!
At least the peanut gallery isn't complaining that your coin is overgraded...
Ha ha you got that right! Appreciate your commentary - made my day!