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Very Neat Confederate / Civil War Items on Exhibit at the Coin And Collectibles Fair this Sun Nov 14

ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,266 ✭✭✭✭✭

Looking over the items that are being exhibited this Sunday at the Coin and Collectibles Fair this Sun (that is the big NY show held in Mount Kisco NY about 15 minutes from the Tappan Zee Bridge) and the items include some really neat stuff like personal money that was impounded when Jefferson Davis was captured May 10th, 1965... If you are in the area this Sunday, stop bye the show... Liberty and Barber Coin Club will be there, plus 3 or 4 local coin clubs... for the YN there is great program at Noon being run by the Flushing Coin Club... Hope to see you there!

Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com


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