1921 Peace Dollar Prices

Have prices on these coins gone up a ton in the last little bit?
Always wanted to get one in 63, but the price seems way way higher.
Collection under construction: VG Barber Quarters & Halves
Have prices on these coins gone up a ton in the last little bit?
Always wanted to get one in 63, but the price seems way way higher.
Yup way up this year! Just like prices for the fairly common 82/83/84 CC's. All has to do with the release of the new 2021 Morgans & Peace dollars. Doubt its going to last.
Some other key dates and issues have gone way up as well, not related to new government issues.
Prices are up on products across the spectrum... Inflation is out of control, just cruise around the supermarket. With prices rising this fast, soon the collectible markets (coins etc.) will be affected since disposable income will spent elsewhere. Cheers, RickO
What is the new normal for a PCGS MS-63 Peace dollar?
What are those CC's going for now?
CC's wholesale is over $325 last I looked.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
Last grey sheet I have the 1921 in 63 is listed for $986, the 3 cc's for $370 each in 63
That seems like a doubling of price on that 21 Peace.
Big jump on those CC coins as well. Was a $250 coin for a long long time.
wouldn't that imply that collectibles should deflate, as there won't be as much demand?
I recently got a MS64 1921 Peace for about $1700 which, considering the market, seemed like a deal. The question is, how long will these prices last; months, years? When do you pull the trigger?
"Bongo hurtles along the rain soaked highway of life on underinflated bald retread tires."
In my opinion, the 21 Peace dollar's price increase is not maintainable and will fall in the next couple of years. I sold both of mine and hopefully will not have regrets. Just too much gain in so little time to be permanent(although nothing is permanent) so I'll say long term.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
I have wanted a 21 Peace for years but never bought one. Won't be anytime soon at these prices.
Would guess will be seeing marketing things for 2021 and 1921 Peace dollars soon.
I hope they go back down do I can start buying them again. 64's used to be ~$800ish.

Happened early this year, there was a pretty sudden and dramatic price increase for them. Personally I think the market is now flooded because the high prices are bringing them out of the woodwork. Just look how many are available and ask yourself if it should be a $1500+ coin in 64 and $1k+ in 63.
Collector, occasional seller
Those are wacky curves.
Yes they are. I have to admit though, at these prices I am tempted to sell the ones I have. I did let go of one not too long ago.
Collector, occasional seller
@moursund ... Yes, prices would eventually contract, but slowly. Also, if PM values increase, that would tend to keep silver and gold high. If this inflation continues at this pace, we are in for trouble. Cheers, RickO
I have been waiting for years to get a 1921 Peace, I can wait a while longer.
@ricko Yes, prices would eventually contract, but slowly. Also, if PM values increase, that would tend to keep silver and gold high. If this inflation continues at this pace, we are in for trouble. Cheers, RickO
Just out of curiosity, why do you think the prices will contract slowly rather than quickly. They exploded for no other reason than a trend(in my opinion) due to the 100 yr event and the issue of the 2021 Peace Dollar. I feel they will fall rather quickly after another year.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
@jesbroken... If inflation continues, an PM's rise, that will hold prices up. After that, those who purchased at these elevated levels will be reluctant to cash out at a loss... so will hold as long as possible. Yes, the initial surge was due to the century anniversary. If all the other factors were removed, the contraction would be faster. Cheers, RickO
Not sure how the bullion price of silver has an effect on 1921 Peace Dollars.
Hello , I don’t collect these but saw for awhile that prices went nuts .
So are the prices still crazy on these 1921 peace dollars or are the basically trading at grey sheet bid now ?
I really don’t know just curious.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Im happy I bought my MS65 a few years ago.... one of the few colorful 1921 toners I have ever seen... I think it was a Dale Larsen coin.
Maybe not. As the value of the dollar erodes, coins are a safe hedge against inflation as other collectibles will be.
The prices on these jumped in anticipation of the hyped marketing, which is already well underway. The easy money was made prior to this, in the spring, when sheet prices were behind real world prices and sheet dealers at shows were being picked clean. Now that everyone is onboard, there are plenty available at the new elevated prices.
SLAP a sticker on it in the current market, and you’d have enough for a decent family vacation.