Does anyone remember watching the Snake?

in Sports Talk
I hatched too late in life to watch him, I've always been fascinated by him.
I may have to read his autobiography.
A fascinating man indeed.
Another book about him.
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With the risk of getting placed in cuffs by Double D’s henchmen I will say that I read that his Raiders team traveled with a bail bondsman. They probably mimicked the “North Dallas Forty” movie better than most.
1970’s icon
This is the kind of stuff I like to hear, a bail bondsman, that is awesome.
Those were the days!! Stabler was one of a kind, never to be seen again.
I miss Madden in the booth, NONE better.
No worries Paul, I have some "secret dirt" on DD, got you covered.
I remember his Houston Oilers days.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
You'll never make it stick.
i love that pic with john madden on the sideline. he was my all time fav color guy.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I remember watching this live. Ranks up there with Franco Harris's immaculate reception.
Yes. I liked the Raiders of that era. I went to the Super Bowl in 1977 at the Rose Bowl. Raiders beat the Vikings. There were some very good players on that team. Fred Biletnikoff was a fantastic reciever and the MVP of the game. Ray Guy was in my opinion the best punter of all time. I crossed paths with him a few years ago in of all places, the breakfast room of a motel in Grants, New Mexico. We had a nice talk about football in general and about the Raiders. I didn't tell him that I thought as a punter he was the GOAT. Figured he heard that all the time. But I did ask him about his tecniques. He told me it was all about practice, practice, practice. Nice Guy, that Ray Guy.
The Raiders and Steelers certainly had an intense rivalry in the 70s, a good book was written about it.
Yes, they did. What made the rivalry hit close to home was that 1977 was the year that the future Lovely Mrs. Hydrant popped in and threw a monkey wrench into my life. I was a Raider fan and she was a Steeler FANATIC! Terry Bradshaw this, Terry Bradshaw that..blah,blah,blah.... A match made in heaven 🙋 🏈 👰....😵
Yea, I old as dirt, and remember him. Heck, I am old enough to remember seeing Johnny Unitas, Bart Starr, Jim Brown and Paul Horning on TV.
Heck, I remember the greatest running back in NFL history before Jim Brown came along. Marion Motley.
The old 12 inch black and white RCA?
Love it!
Love it!
Ralph do you remember going to any games as a kid in the 50’s?
No. Grew up in Columbus. Family watched a lot of Browns on TV but never made the trip. I do average one Buckeye game each year.
Stabler hatched the Holy F&%*#!g Roller!!!!!
21 inch Philco.
Latter I saw Unitus in color. One of the most memorable games was Unitus and the Baltimore Colts vs. Joe Namath and the New York Jets.
Sad that Stabler didn't get into the HOF until he passed.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
I once sat at the same table as Unitas -- a wedding reception in 1979. I also went to high school with his son, John Jr.
If you feel comfortable sharing any anecdotes or observations, it would surely be interesting for the forum.
"If you feel comfortable sharing any anecdotes or observations, it would surely be interesting for the forum."
Let's see. It was my cousin's wedding -- she married a guy whose father was Johnny U's lawyer. Johnny behaved himself (didn't drink excessively or act like a "big shot") -- but a couple of my uncles cracked me up by posing for pictures with him, etc. I talked to him a bit, explaining that I knew his son from high school (his son and I were both athletes) -- but I did NOT slobber over him or even get his picture/autograph. Johnny was not with a date (I believe he was divorced) and did not dance at all from what I remember. A Baltimore legend for sure -- and seemingly a decent (almost shy) man.
Nice to know I have company.