saw the Rocket today and got some fresh ink

in Sports Talk
he was super amiable
he has put on a few
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
That’s awesome!! Congratulations on the signed ball, that must have been pretty cool
very nice. one of my all-time favorites
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I agree.
Definitely my favorite pitcher.
Thank you for sharing. I enjoy living vicariously through some of you guys. 🤣😎
Is that Chez Reavie the pro he is playing with?
color me impressed!
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

True thisistheshow story ahead.....
In HS, despite my affinity for metal, guitar rock, some jazz, and other types of music (I did and still do have an eclectic taste) my friend and i attended a Paula Abdul concert with these guys opening. I'm gonna be honest and say that I'm not sure why we went🙃 but we did. If I remember correctly I was maybe a freshman. My Mom and her friend drove us to the show. I remember them picking us up, and when we got in the car they told us that they decided (on a whim) to buy tickets at the gate after dropping us off. So they had actually stayed and watched the concert too! LOL Anyway, ...
Just because I had a brush with Chez in 2009 at the BMW championship at Bellerive CC. It was something very frowned upon in the crazy times we now live in.
tell me more...
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
After his tee shot on 15, he went to the porta potty and came out nearly running my wife and me over to get back to the fairway. Didn't go the the portable sinks and wash hands. So hopefully he didn't use your Sharpie.
Am I the only one that saw the title and thought the OP got a new tattoo?
Nope. I thought the exact same thing lol
that type of special endeavor is saved for when i meet Tom Brady, Kyler Murray or doubledragon
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
When we all meet up and decide to go to the tattoo parlor to show our devotion to the Sports Talk forum by each getting ST4Life tattoos.
No sir, the only tattoo I will ever get is when I start to go bald.
It would have to be placed perfectly. As your baldness increased, it would possibly be less funny if the little mower man wasn't in exactly the right spot. could shave part of your head, get the tattoo now, and let your hair grow over it. Then you could just shave that spot to celebrate the Panthers winning the SB, or let things happen naturally. Whichever comes first.
shouldn't that be urban meyer mowing? He is living in your head rent free.
This is what visions of fresh ink look like in my head..................................