New sticker service for Canadian coins

Anything that stimulates Canadian numismatics and brings additional confidence to buyers and investors is a win in my book.
Now let's see if there's market demand.
Anything that stimulates Canadian numismatics and brings additional confidence to buyers and investors is a win in my book.
Now let's see if there's market demand.
They left out ANACS !
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Yawn. They are even more restrictive than WINGS. Whatever happened to WINGS anyway?
I give it a year at most. Nobody will pay for the service, just like WINGS.
I was wondering when another Canadian TPG would peek their heads into the money-making TPG field. Most serious collectors don't need a 2nd or 3rd opinion written on a piece of paper under plastic. This might interest the top 2-3% of serious Canadian collectors who are trying to raise their registry set scores, but don't think many normal collectors would see the value.
I've never heard of the 3 principal partners mentioned on their web site.
Life member #369 of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association
Member of Canadian Association of Token Collectors
Collector of:
Canadian coins and pre-confederation tokens
Darkside proof/mint sets dated 1960
My Ebay
One principal I believe is thedollarman on another forum. Unfortunately, I concur with @preubas and @syl, but give some credit for trying.
Here are the IG profiles of the guys standing this up:
8 Reales Madness Collection
Good luck Will, Cole and Josh!
Here are some excerpts from their bio. Click the link to read more:
Well, one of the three appears to be from my town here, but don't think that we've met. Good luck to them, but I'm not interested.
To me, the most important consideration will be if the market accepts the sticker. @syl would you leave money on the table when selling pieces from your collection in the future if CNAS stickered coins brought a premium in auctions, as CAC coins do today in US?
8 Reales Madness Collection
I think part of this depends on if CNAS makes a market for their sticker. If CNAS makes a market, the market will accept it.
A big part of CAC's success is that they make a market for CAC coins and buy the coins themselves. CAC can be successful if collectors don't accept their sticker because CAC accepts it.
Will CNAS do the same? If not, they may end up like WINGS.
Apparently a few people paid for WINGS but not enough.
Here's a recent thread on WINGS which indicates they are defunct now:
I've heard that in the past, but can you point to something published by either JA or any of the CAC authorized dealers that show they will buy any CAC coin sight unseen for a published priced? Not saying this isn't the case, just that I have not seen this specifically called out anywhere.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Not that I'm aware of. There are are others on the forums much more familiar with CAC that may be able to assist.
That being said, my understanding is they won't buy any CAC coin, they buy CAC coins they need / want at a particular time. This makes sense because it's supporting their business first so they have an incentive to make it work.
I’m not judging the founders of the new company, their integrity, nor their genuine desire to start a useful business.
All I’m saying is that the market is “cheap” and will not pay for the service, no matter how well-intentioned.
A percentage of world collectors in the US are refugees from collecting US coins. (Granted a small portion of the world coin market overall.) To those folks at least, CAC represents much of what is wrong in the US market.
To the rest of the world coin market, a sticker never had any real meaning, just like slabs themselves.
Maybe that will gradually change with internet commerce, but can these folks last that long? My suggestion is they cannot.
Those are good points. The hobby has to have a need for the sticker service.
In addition to CAC buying their own coins, CAC had a few things going for it:
Is there such a need in and promoter in Canadian coins?
Anyone who sells their coins to CAC is uninformed! That would be selling to the lowest link in the price chain as marketing goes seeing as they are billed as a wholesaler. I can tell you by looking at CAC price guides there are coins I will pay more than their published retail prices as a dealer! Go ahead and sell him some of your stuff and take the blood bath!
I've seen many Canadian coins graded stricter than PCGS and NGC.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Me too. So wildly strict that the resulting grades are ridiculous.
Buyers delight. Sellers remorse.
Anyone who frequents most major Canadian coin shows, knows that Hugh Powell (a highly respected dealer of higher end material) does this same service on ICCS flips for free, using coloured sharpies!
Of course, my comment above is tongue-in-cheek. That said, anyone who has done business with Hugh, knows exactly what I am talking about, and also highly values his opinions.
Back to the original topic at hand, this is not a service for me. I think I will continue to trust my own eyes and own judgement.
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