Guess I'm a bit rusty... are all U.S. Mint silver coins now .999?

I had heard that silver proof sets started being .999 in 2019. Are the silver dollars .999 as well? Did that start in 2019?
I had heard that silver proof sets started being .999 in 2019. Are the silver dollars .999 as well? Did that start in 2019?
Have to admit I'm a little rusty on this also... it's been hard to keep up with the U.S. Mint's gimmicks in regards to it's issues....
I believe that is correct. The new Morgan’s are.999 All the commemorative issues are, I believe. 🤠
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
It currently appears they are... Not sure if that will become the permanent standard. Cheers, RickO
This is what the cert says.
Hoard the keys.
Were they four nines before that?
Yes, I think as of 2019 they all are.
This is all about the planchettes - the 999 (only 3, Canadians are 9999) and it turns out the 999 planchettes are easier to source than the 90% they used to use. Since money is not made from silver anymore, these 90% planchettes are no longer made in bulk. Likewise, with the popularity of silver rounds, these planchettes are actually more available and cheaper in bulk.
There’s your lesson for the day from Mr Grapes.
Only because you used the word four times, the correct spelling is "planchets". Planchettes are something entirely different, and do not have anything to do with coins.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Am I detecting some spelling “sour grapes “ ? 😂
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I’m a spelling teacher’s nightmare. This board can vouch for that. Lol 😂
Hoard the keys.
This is a planchette and it said my grade would be a 70, and it worked. Highly recommended.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
They were 90% before the change
That's great! I'm looking forward to much more colorful toning
Silver eagles have been .999 since they started in 1986.
The question is more about proof sets and commemoratives.
🤯 brain fart.
Hoard the keys.
Not a gimmick. The U.S.Mints got rid of their capability to refine and alloy metal decades ago. For a long time they bought their .900 fine silver from various refineries, which had to keep their .900 scrap separate from their.999 scrap, and one by one they decided the work was not worth the bother. Perth Mint, Australia, was the last vendor doing it, and they did not want to do it any more.
I agree with the above explanations (except the funky spelling of "planchet"
90% would be very easy to make by adding 9 parts pure silver to one part copper, for example, but why bother at this point, since there are no circulating silver coins to produce.
I always wondered if scrapping out silver coins will ever become complicated by this but I am sure it will sort itself out.
So after all of this yammer, are the 2021 Morgans and Peace 90% or 999 fine?
Yammer says .999
And the comments are 99.9
All that was 90% is now 99.9
I will conveniently blame my spell checker ...!!
It's a poor tool that blames the workman
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
Yet our highest grade in this collectors universe is a 70, the very same grade from a spelling teacher would be a C-
70 with gold bean?
Is such a thing possible? 70 is top of the heap. Different degrees of the best. I just bet that there’s such a thing!🙃
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Yep, I forgot about the gold beans.
I don't even have one of these.