Valuing my lincoln penny including my 1955 dd

I have a 1941- 1973 library of coins lincoln cent book part 2 vol 3.
All of the coins in my book are in pristine condition.
I have the 1955 double die as well as the 1960 small date 1960 large date 1960-D small date 1960-D Large date.
I added some pictures to help you help me.
I seen the value of the 1955 in ms65 condition which mine should fall into that category and should be around $4,000.
Considering the 1955 doubled die is worth far more than any other coin in that set, could you show a photo of it? Not even the full-page shots include it.
You can see the doubling in the year on the 5.
That isn’t the doubled die
Take a moment to Google the actual doubled die. You don’t need to explain where to look on that coin.
Then what would it be? I'll post more pictures.

Dramatic cracked skull.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
Those images are taken from PCGS’ CoinFacts
Already answered:
Not a doubled die, it seems a little off centered, and something wrong with the head.
You have the so-called "Poor Man's Doubled Die" which is not actually a doubled die but rather has severe die deterioration.
Definitely not the '55 DDO.... Nice album of cents.... Cheers, RickO
The 1955 is not the double die that brings big money. As others have said, it is the "poor man's double die" which is worth very little.
Your set of Lincoln's is a very nice looking album set but unfortunately has little value in today's plastic dominated market. The coins would not be worth slabbing.
The 1970 s small date is one of the more desirable cents in this date range, but it doesn't appear that you have one.
Just offhand, I would put your set at 80 to 100 bucks.
You have gone all this time meticulously putting together an uncirculated set, most likely one or two coins at a time.
..............and you never thought to look up the 1955 DDO?
Well now you can actually try to purchase one with the help we've given you.
I sold a similar set a couple years back for $40
I was thinking roughly $50, but perhaps that’s a little high. The steelies may have been processed.
Nice little set, just not very valuable
The Dansco album itself has some value in today's market.
good point. $20 or so for good used album?
I'm not sure what they bring but $20 sounds reasonable if it is in nice condition.
it is not a Dansco -> a Library of Coins album like this one on eBay
You are correct. It is Library of Coins. That should also have some value though the pen written dates will detract from its value. I have no idea what the actually sell for.
The $39.95 + shipping for the one on eBay sounds very excessive to me. Note that is an asking price and not a completed sale.