San Carlos reservation coin

I have a solid gold coin that is marked $5 from the San Carlos Indian reservation for meat salt and tobacco from 1883. I can’t find it anywhere online. Any ideas on history and value of it?
I have a solid gold coin that is marked $5 from the San Carlos Indian reservation for meat salt and tobacco from 1883. I can’t find it anywhere online. Any ideas on history and value of it?
Please post pictures of your coin.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
I’m new to the site how do you add pictures?
Need full on, we’ll lit photos of both sides
How do you know it is solid gold?
There is a chip missing out of the bottom corner and the inside is gold. I can’t figure out how to attach the photos I took into this thread.
Can someone explain how to add photos to the forum please?
Or can I email someone the photos and they can post them?
I have a feeling that somehow this may eventually revolve around this common modern fantasy :
(or one of its equally faulty companion pieces):
It looks just like that but gold.
Do you have an email I can send you the photos tokenpro
@Belliott .... Welcome aboard. You can also drag and drop or cut and paste the pictures into your post. Cheers, RickO
"I’m new to the site how do you add pictures?"
Now where have I heard that before?
Do a specific gravity test on it to see if it is gold:
It is a well known modern fantasy cast in lead and in gilted (more probably painted) lead that was produced within the past 10-30 years or so. It possibly was struck in flat brass but I could not quickly find an occurrence in the 1970's era Blackhawk Productions style. A quick Google or eBay search will pull up numerous examples of this pure fantasy piece.