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Collecting Carson City (CC) Coinage: Part Two – Silver Dollars

In the first installment of this three-part series on collecting the coinage of the Carson City (CC) Mint, I covered the three smaller silver denominations produced by that famous mint in Nevada, including dimes, quarters, and half dollars. Part two showcases, silver dollars including the Liberty Seated, Trade, and Morgan Dollars.

The first Liberty Seated Dollar rolled out of the Carson City Mint in 1870, with the last in 1873. The latter was when the first Trade Dollar was produced there. That series continued at the Carson City Mint until 1878, when the first of many “CC” Morgan Dollars were struck. Silver Dollars were produced at Carson City from 1870 to 1885 and then again from 1890 to 1893, when the CC Mint closed.

Full article: https://www.pcgs.com/news/collecting-carson-city-coinage-part-two

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