Curious if anyone has seen this stamp before?
Very similar obviously to the Mexico mint mark, but I have no idea if the mint ever used a stamp like this at anytime?
Curious if anyone has seen this stamp before?
Very similar obviously to the Mexico mint mark, but I have no idea if the mint ever used a stamp like this at anytime?
There are Chinese chopmarks known that directly emulate the Mexico City mintmark, but this would be a very unusual style and a rare host for it to be a chop.
medio = half (dollar) ?
That coin probably spent some time nailed to a main post in a barn. The reason for what appears to be the Mexico City mint mark punch is unknown.
I agree about the unknown reason for the stamp, gotta chalk it up to someone fooling around for now.
As for the hole, nailed to a post is a good guess but the hole was definitely not made by a nail.
Appears sawn almost. Its a pretty neatly done job..
It looks like the hole from a cut nail to me. Nailing a coin to the main post of a newly constructed barn was common practice during the 19th century.